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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Nah they get a 5 team group instead of 6 for the world cup qualifiers Woopdydoo for them
  2. Thought that post was from ando not andy What ever happened to him
  3. Hopefully nobody starts a thread for Szoboslai until he's pictured with the scarf
  4. Makes me wonder why he couldn't get on the bench ahead of Manquillo
  5. Disciplined. That's a newun when it comes to transfer spiel
  6. Looks like any future cup final games. The priority will be gave to those.who have went to home games first before loyalty point holders who don't opt in to cup schemes
  7. This is why I've always maintained we could quite easily end up like Man City in regards to empty seats and the like This season won't be a problem but if we have a few consecutive seasons of being successful in competitions people could quite easily stop paying it
  8. League Cup and fa cup games might be easier if more season ticket holders don't opt in with having to pay for the CL
  9. Found it Have you opted into any yet? Can't find it
  10. https://twitter.com/NUFC/status/1669657415220953089?t=1y2_hUv2dVf-v3Y8OBTTHQ&s=19 Season ticket info including opt in schemes for cup games
  11. Probably just a name on a list that we are interested in. Along with another 50 names no doubt Was nowt more than another transfer rumour. Neewhere near being done
  12. Will take the heat off us for a while anyway. Might take it off us completely, cos there's nee chance the media are gonna go as full blown at them as what they have us
  13. Be quite a chuckle if Rice doesn't end up at Arsenal like. All their fan Boyz have him nailed on going there
  14. 13 points from our first 7 league games and a champions league win Bunch of fannys
  15. jack j

    Felix Nmecha

    Just nowt more been said about him other than a bit bluster the other evening. Can see this Barella link going the same way.
  16. jack j

    Felix Nmecha

    Take it we aren't signing him then
  17. He will be playing for Italy tomorrow night won't he I'd imagine it will go quiet for a while from all these "sources"
  18. Aye Edited. Always be remy cabellas song to me?
  19. Everywhere You go always take barella with you Beaten to it. Always be remy cabellas song anyway!
  20. We said the same about Dwight gayle and he was average at stoke Hayden when he did play for Norwich wasn't owt special either
  21. jack j

    St James' Park

    It will be aimed at tourists and day trippers. Not young radgies
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