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Everything posted by sixx

  1. sixx

    John Carver

    This is hands down the craziest thing I've ever heard. The man is seriously ill.
  2. No. I'd like to think that we have a bigger chance of Ashley selling the club if we stay in the premiership. Then again I'm not totally sure. At least we should be making life for Ashley here a living hell. I won't be much bothered if we go down though.
  3. All I know is that I'm going to be very disappointed 15-20 years from now for not watching more of Messi and C. Ronaldo. Just an insane privilege witnessing these men in their prime.
  4. sixx

    Graham Carr

    I'm still convinced that Cabella could be very useful given the right formation and coaching.
  5. Sorry but there is a right and wrong answer. Messi is a much better player. There is a reason why Messi is often called the best player of all time while Ronaldo has never once been called the best player of all time. If you look at both of them play, Ronaldo is a poacher, an exceptionally good one obviously while Messi is involved in everything as well as being as good a goalscorer as Ronaldo. I usually don't mind people having different opinions but Messi is clearly better than Ronaldo in almost every way. Fucking hell. I agree that Messi is probably the best football player ever but this is just nonsense. He's no more a poacher than Messi and there's probably a lot more variance in Ronaldo's goals than Messi's.
  6. I think we can all agree to the conclusion that more footballers should sport crazy beards.
  7. Maybe I should have a bi-monthly post in this thread about the life and times of Icelandic footballers. Here is an Icelandic defender playing in Sweden headbutting the goal post in sheer frustration after conceding a goal. And here is arguably the best beard in professional football donned by an Icelandic player who also plays in Sweden.
  8. I particularly liked that time he was racist and the biting. Unlike most of internet keyboard and Social Justice Warriors, I don't pretend to be a perfect person. In heat of moment situations I myself have made inappropriate comments and bitten another person. What you do in rare instance or a one-off, doesn't define you as a person for the other 99.5% of the time. For example, If I ever got into power in a country...One of my first orders of business would be complete destruction of all religious venues and banning of all sort of religious practices and signs in public. Post of the year right there.
  9. sixx


    Who cares if this works or doesn't? Worst case this should be about us NUFC fans saving face.
  10. Interesting. This is what Krul had to say about the incident. "What I actually told him I probably can’t repeat on television because it wasn’t a nice gesture. it was more in the region of 'what a lucky guy he is', but with a bit more venom behind it." In what sense is that sportsmanship?
  11. Sammy Ameobi gets paid for playing football for a living. Let that settle in for a bit.
  12. Just a warm up for the boring main event. SOOPA SUNDAY
  13. Mignolet and Toure are a fucking farce
  14. This Liverpool kit is revolting.
  15. Same here. My only trip to SJP was in 2005 against Liverpool when he scored the only goal, a free kick. Was that his last goal for us?
  16. I'd have him here starting over Krul. Not that it matters. 'kin hell.
  17. sixx

    The England Thread

    Would've liked to see Charlie Austin at the expense of Danny Welbeck.
  18. Maybe because he was deployed as a forward in his career before joining NUFC and Pardew's formation of useless wingers?
  19. http://images.mitre.com/images/mitre-super-dimple-football-p606-3341_thumb.jpg Hurts just to look at it. is that not a medicine ball? It might as well be I was nearly knocked unconscious once having that blasted in my jaw. Oooof. Getting that f***er in the groin on a cold night. I can still feel the pain.
  20. I genuinely thought he was among the league's best defenders the season we finished 5th but I sort of lost my respect for him after his San Lorenzo shenanigans the season after. Will never understand how he was made captain in the first place.
  21. Ridiculous that Cole only has 15 England caps. England's strikeforce in the 90's sure was something.
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