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Everything posted by sixx

  1. Jobs where he would be considered a risk are closed off to him, unless we think he's going to rape a teammate I don't think it applies. That's not my point though. I'm not suggesting he poses a risk to his immediate surroundings or the persons he works with. For me it's a matter of principle. A convicted sex offender shouldn't, by way of his footballing talents, be granted a status as a role model. Which he undoubtedly will be whether we like it or not.
  2. No. Being a professional footballer accounts for lot more than just holding a job at playing football. That's my opinion at least but I do respect that other people look at it in different terms. Indeed it wont help society nor offenders to ostracize or isolate people like Evans, but when you've committed a crime such as this some avenues of life and society should remain closed.
  3. sixx

    U23s & Academy

    Who's our number nine?
  4. sixx

    Remy Cabella

    So diving now equals jumping out of tackles? I thought diving meant simulating a fall after a tackle that never took place? Diving and avoiding contact isn't the same no matter how you try to twist it to suit your argument.
  5. sixx

    Remy Cabella

    Absolutely can't believe people are condoning and defending diving. Football really is fucked.
  6. He replaced it with a hi-hat.
  7. Highlight of the match was Janmaat absolutely clattering Balotelli. Hope Balo will be a miserable failure at Liverpool.
  8. Can't remember being this excited by our youth department as I am right now.
  9. He also kind of stopped a civil war once. Canny.
  10. Agree. Also wonderful to see Pogba and Yaya play. Love a physical central midfielder capable of anything.
  11. I like strikers in the mould of Berbatov, Bergkamp, Guðjohnsen and especially Ibrahimovic who is probably my all time favourite. Look a bit lazy as someone mentioned but have a sublime first touch and vision but also capable of scoring goals in all colours. Also quite like almost senselessly direct wingers who just run at it taking no prisoners, players like Raheem Sterling and to an extent Ben Arfa.
  12. Warmachine yesterday. He also seemed more aware of when to release the ball when he's surging forward i.e when he passed the ball to Cabella in the second goal. Too often he wins the ball in our half, makes a run forward and loses the ball leaving us exposed. He has to realize that he doesn't have much end product and he has to leave the shooting and crossing to players like Cabella. Very important that he has a well defined role within the team and doesn't try stuff he's barely capable of. Same applies to Tiote.
  13. Especially when it it Jose Enrique for Liverpool. What a day.
  14. Why am I wasting my time on this? Did we muster a shot on goal? This is turgid.
  15. Interesting how Douglas sees Georgia as a Balkan nation.
  16. The moment that ball went in I fell in love with football. Absolutely glorious.
  17. I'm visualizing Pardew as the next manager of Rangers. Please lawd make it happen.
  18. Oh lawd we're going to lose big. Pards must be bricking it. When we play Leicester surely most of the fans will have turned on him. Atmosphere will be nasty.
  19. The thing that annoys me the most is that something is missing from the equation in this whole process. Are Ashley and Pardew having a Mexican standoff money-wise? Is Ashley just going to stick by him no matter what? We've seen before that Ashley is willing to spend money to avoid relegation so any conspiracies on that matter can be written off. Has Pardew earned top marks from the Steven Kean School of Endurance? Why does he cling on even if the pressure really is destroying him, is it money or is it ego? And why on earth are seemingly all ex-players in the media standing by him? It's not like he's a likeable man. I'm just completely perplexed and I honestly have no clue where to begin when explaining this situation with people who are not very familiar with NUFC-related affairs.
  20. sixx

    Emmanuel Rivière

    Didn't really watch all of yesterdays game but he took his goal quite well. More worryingly Ameobi and Obertan put in a few good crosses into good areas and Riviere was nowhere to bee seen to tap them in. Seems to lack a strikers instinct on where to position himself. Will settle for him as an impact player or a back up striker if, and that's a big if, Papiss realizes how to play football again.
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