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Everything posted by sixx

  1. sixx

    Papiss Cissé

    Absolutely. I know a fair few instances where players have gotten infections after burning themselves on the turf and contacting spit
  2. sixx

    Papiss Cissé

    It's not like basketball players have to spit on the court all the time . I generally don't mind spitting when playing football on grass but spitting while playing on artificial turf really disgusts me.
  3. sixx

    Emmanuel Rivière

    Riviere feeding off Obertan for the next few games(forever)
  4. Surely our best bet is a midfield three with Colback, Abeid and Sissoko.
  5. A professional footballer should be able to kick a ball with either foot ffs. Krul's kicking overall is just shambles but all things considered he had a good game yesterday. That said Abeid didn't do him any favors.
  6. Let alone looking at it expecting it to play football every week ffs.
  7. It's even more ridiculous we're discussing Gouffran as a winger. Doesn't have a single quality needed for a winger. I'd rather have a natural winger there in Obertan even though he's absolute garbage.
  8. Love watching Gareth Bale as well. Don't like goal line technology. Never really understood why there aren't more players at the top level who can take an absolutely giant throw in. Not that difficult trait to train up but can be a really effective asset for any team. Of course watching Stoke under Pulis was pure aids where their game plan was only throw ins but still. Every team should have at least one player who can launch a gigantic throw in.
  9. In other news the handball World cup was held in Qatar last month. Dear me was that a farce. Germany got into the tournament through the back door, the referees were very obviously paid off and Qatar fielded a team with player-mercenaries from all over the world. The Qatari's even reached the final by way of very dodgy refereeing but fortunately lost. Handball isn't completely rid of corruption no less than football but this was a sad affair. This winter WC will be a disaster
  10. This is absolutely bonkers in so many aspects. Stifler what a legend.
  11. Matthew Upson is just never going to give up on his career is he?
  12. It's not exactly Tolstoy but it gets the general point across. Most of my mates cannot for the life of them fathom why NUFC fans dislike Pardew.
  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/11405884/Why-Newcastle-fans-will-always-hate-Alan-Pardew.html Good piece that. First paragraph says it all really. "The only person Alan Pardew did a good job for at Newcastle United was Mike Ashley. The only person who benefited from his time on Tyneside was Alan Pardew. He most certainly did not do a good job for Newcastle United’s supporters and that is why we don’t like him."
  14. No way Shaun Wright-Phillips is still alive.
  15. It's a common mistake going for an eyeball rather than the actual football.
  16. sixx

    Remy Cabella

    And that manbag with his initials on. Hot fuck.
  17. Haha would love to have Costa there still too. Strange team Atletico. Villains yet underdogs managed by an absolute lunatic who is still so very likable.
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