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Everything posted by sixx

  1. http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/30613002 "This is not said very often but also credit to Newcastle owner Mike Ashley for refusing to give in to fan pressure." This sums up a lot of what is wrong with football media.
  2. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/001/779/hnnnnng.jpg I can't handle this.
  3. Laugh every time I see this. it's not a human Got me so bad
  4. Aye, he's so often in seemingly hopeless position but always somehow finds a way to make use of the ball.
  5. Imagine having centre backs popping up with the odd goal. Two goals in successive games for Terry now?
  6. He really can't be a first choice winger for a Premiership side. He tries and sometimes comes up with a good cross but he isn't a creative outlet and not much of a goal threat either.
  7. Has a touch of real class about him. Doesn't waste many balls and can maneuver in very tight spots. We need to adjust our attacking game around him.
  8. Eiður Guðjohnsen starting for Bolton tonight.
  9. He's on the IBWM 2015 watchlist. http://inbedwithmaradona.com/journal/2014/12/16/ibwm100-for-2015 Among IBWM's top 100 youngsters, good stuff.
  10. This has to be some sort of a hoofing record. Absolutely no attempt to play it on the ground.
  11. sixx

    Aaron Spear

    Mark Doninger and Nicky Deverdicks also played in Iceland. These deals with north-eastern players going to Iceland are apparently facilitated by someone called Nick McReery I hear.
  12. sixx

    Aaron Spear

    Maybe he really loves fish? Lets hope so
  13. sixx

    Aaron Spear

    Exactly. Spear also lives in one of the most isolated parts of Iceland and that's saying a lot. Actually just tonight there is supposed to be a storm there of tornado like proportions and the region has recent history of fatal and destructive avalanches. Something is keeping him here though and it's probably not wages. He could be making a bit more just in England alone so its quite confusing what keeps him here still.
  14. sixx

    Aaron Spear

    wow, nice one, were you pro? Is it likely Spear is getting paid much? Haha no I gave up football when I discovered alcohol and recreational drug use. Spear is probably not paid much and is on all accords only semi-pro. I guess he's provided housing and a job in fish processing
  15. sixx

    Aaron Spear

    Deano was also my coach when I played for KA
  16. sixx

    Aaron Spear

    Actually a fair bit of ex-Newcastle players have played in Iceland for the past years. Spear, Tomi Ameobi, Darren Lough and Michael Abnett I think(?). A former Middlesboro youth player, Gary Martin, plays as well in Iceland.
  17. Generally agree with Ronaldo's comment. I somehow feel disconnected with the club but it's nice to see the likes of Janmaat and Ayoze do well. I'm sort of clinging on to the hope that the likes of Tottenham, Arsenal or Liverpool will approach Pardew with a job.
  18. The most uneventful 45 mins of football I've ever seen. Please take Gouffran off.
  19. Nah, that post is just really grim, and a really weird attitude to take. Essentially well if have sex a lot you're bound to have something bad happen. That's total nonsense. Also the "young women don't take responsibility for their actions". Based on what? The same way young men don't I imagine. Anyway It's a depressing viewpoint and you've identified yourself as a chauvinist so that's your opinion.I just don't happen to agree with it, and find it pretty grim. But I don't wanna debate it tbh. f***ing hell man, that's really grim that. Think you might have been misinterpreting me. Rape is a very serious crime and should be treated as such. My problem lies with the semi-consentual intercource which the girl decides wasnt really consentual at all the day after and files for rape. Nah, that post is just really grim, and a really weird attitude to take. Essentially well if have sex a lot you're bound to have something bad happen. That's total nonsense. Also the "young women don't take responsibility for their actions". Based on what? The same way young men don't I imagine. Anyway It's a depressing viewpoint and you've identified yourself as a chauvinist so that's your opinion.I just don't happen to agree with it, and find it pretty grim. But I don't wanna debate it tbh. Its a grim world out there, and alot of men do take advantage if the opportunity presents itself. Shag around like a tramp and sooner or later you will get a negative experience. Does that excuse the man in any way? No, but if you get obscenely drunk and end up in hotel rooms time and time again to a certain extent you have yourself to thank as well, sorry thats just how I see it. You gotta face the reality of how the world works, even though in a perfect world a drunk woman should be left alone naked in a bed every single time. Agree to disagree Reading that was absolutely disgusting. I feel sick.
  20. Exactly my point. Sums up the whole thing on my part.
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