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Everything posted by sixx

  1. sixx

    Remy Cabella

    Yet you average just over six posts a day on here.
  2. I'd say he's more than solid. He's my favourite defender in the Premier League. Aye solid probably is an understatement. Forgot to mention he also delivers a lot of assists for a defender.
  3. Shirley Ivanovic must be one of the better Premier League buys of the last ten years. Always solid, never injured, can cover right and center back in chips in with a very impressive amount of goals every season. That's not bad for 9.7m.
  4. sixx

    John Carver

    Fuck this. Won't be bothered watching NUFC for the rest of the season.
  5. Wow that Buzzfeed article brought back a lot of memories. This the beauty and international appeal of the game. You only need something that resembles a ball.
  6. Hudson is a national treasure. http://www.thescore.com/news/517891
  7. Great match this. Thought the pel was very soft though.
  8. He did play until he was 38 . He did a degree in law. Played about 300 Premiership games, too. I know but Allardyce had a yearly meeting with him to stop him retiring. Even at 38 Allardyce tried to persuade him not to quit. Reading his Wiki he was stabbed a couple of years ago. He is a practicing lawyer these days and his colleague got stabbed at the office one day a couple years back. Guðni practically saved his life but also got stabbed a bit himself in the mean time. What a ledge.
  9. Name me a young player who came through Madrid as a teenager and actually made something of himself? It's a s*** move really, but tbf to Madrid I'd consider it a s*** move for him to join any of the powerhouses of European football. Probably the biggest club he should be joining at this stage is probably Ajax, anything else shouldn't even be considered. Good luck to him but I can't see this ending too well and the hype around him in general is quite upsetting in general. Carvahal only spent 1 year out. Casillas. Arbeloa. Varane has been handled well. Sergio Ramos joined at 19. Jese Rodriguez is a big talent. The lanky lad whose name I always forget that went to Juventus. The Madrid youth academy is made to look bad by La Masia but it does a decent job. It provides primarily the Spanish league with lots of talented players. The Real Madrid academy is actually very productive. Juan Mata, Alvaro Negredo, Jurado, Bueno, Ruben De la Red, Callejon, Javi Garcia, Soldado, Joselu etc. all came through the ranks there and that's just naming a few of the most recent.
  10. Surely if he sells Sissoko and appoints Carver there will be rioting?
  11. sixx

    Alan Shearer

    Away at Everton. 2 pens, both top corner. Not too many better from 12 yards. Le Tiss, Cantona and RVN is all I can think of.
  12. My favourite player since Robert. Don't know what to say but his mercurial talent has made watching NUFC a little more bearable in the recent years. Hope he does well in France. Will be interesting to hear in a few years time what really went on behind the scenes.
  13. That's what really gets me. A football team and its owner should in principle have the same incentives as the fans. Those should be basic fundamentals but have somehow gotten skewed. How on earth can an owner get away with changing the name of a traditional club to 'Tigers' ffs or changing a team's colour from blue to red? Owners should be absolutely terrified of decisions like this. You have to wonder why it isn't in the best interest of Mike Ashley to provide entertaining football and/or strive for success.
  14. Realized just now that Remi Garde and Rene Girard aren't the same guy. I also kept confusing them with Rudi Garcia. Kudos to me. Top lad.
  15. It was 6 official games actually - if you want that as a standard of manager fine again no ambition - need a proven manager with a record of improving things and sorry he is not that. You mean the guy who took a backwater s*** Cypriotic club to the CL where even this guy had issues beating them? http://img2008.titan24.com/imgwater/242000/242570.jpg Total lack of ambition and if that is what some fans want god help us - in my opinion that is - hopefully we will never find out. Don't mean to be a turd or anything, but who would you like to come in who is proven and realistically available?
  16. I'm really confused on how to pronounce his name. An-ick That's so strange I honestly thought commentators were just misreading his name when I first heard it. Since then I've been confused but my sincere thanks to you sir for bringing this into daylight for me.
  17. "It was a beauty from Remy Cabella after a lightning counter led by Vurnon Anita, but the linesman's flag wipes out what would have been a Newcastle breakthrough."
  18. The Suarez comparisons are a good shout IMO, always looks for similar touches, turns and ways to take players on. That's not to say they're on the same level, obviously. Hmm I guess so, he's not a bell though. Beardsley (player) isn't/wasn't that dissimilar to Suarez either thinking about. Short, worker, outrageous technique, can beat a man etc. etc. Arshavin (when he was good) reminded me of Beardsley. Used to love that daft c***. Me too. Thought he was gonna be the bees knees after he dicked Liverpool a few years back. Thought the same of Jose Reyes. And Julio Baptista. My judgement is poor.
  19. Now take this signature of yours and throw it into the abyss where it belongs.
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