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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Not sure how to sum that up other than the whole thing was both sublime and ridiculous. To make PSG look that ordinary and to absolutely take the piss out of them....wow. A special team and a special staff we have.
  2. Pilko

    Football pet hates

    I wouldn't worry, the rate he's going his name won't be getting referred to so frequently for much longer.
  3. Yeah I think former refs or former players would be ideal for this. As long as they are absolute experts at understanding the laws of the game and also how the technology works it fixes a lot of the problems.
  4. I think a large part of the problem is the refs themselves flitting between VAR and on the field. Leave the current lot on the field, yes I think they're largely shite by the way. There should be a dedicated VAR team who are intensively trained on the technology, regularly tested on it with practical examples etc, who purely perform the VAR duties and the referees purely perform refereeing/fourth official etc.
  5. Just because you're dismissing the effect it has on fans and "don't care" about football clubs making money doesn't mean technology will simply go away. We need to find a way to embrace it; some of the things I suggested above will be flawed in practice but there will be a way to make it much better, as it is in other sports which proves it's not an impossibility to do so.
  6. These are basically multi-million pound decisions they're making that have an adverse effect on millions of people. If they haven't got the arsehole to front up when they do get it wrong then they shouldn't be in the job in the first place.
  7. We need to keep VAR and we need much more competent people using it and running the show. I saw a post on Instagram of the list of PGMOL apologies since early 2022 and fuck me, they've said "Sorry" more times than Ronnie Corbett. Years and years of watching us on the wrong end of shit decisions that everyone in the stadium and at home could see were wrong other than the three useless tossers on the pitch was awful and I wouldn't want that back. Surely you have a dedicated VAR team who all day and all night utilise the VAR technology and are regularly and constantly subjected to both written and practical examinations around the correct usage of the system and application of the games laws, rather than the same idiots with the whistle on rotation; one week bungling things on the pitch and the next in the comfy chair making an arse of the video side. You also improve transparency of the live decision-making process much like cricket or dare I say it rugby. The only thing that's good about rugby is the transparency of the on-field and video refereeing. Next, you make the sanctions (and rewards tbf) for these VAR officials much greater. Never mind a paid week off if they make a huge bungle like the Diaz one, they should be fined or banned for a longer period, re-educated and made to apologise publically themselves rather than hiding behind a PGMOL statement. Similarly they should be compensated via bonuses for correct and good application of the law over nominated time periods. Sadly, the only way we'll ever seen any real progress or reform in this area is when damage is done to "the product" of the Premier League. I've said it more times than I care to remember but until a manager walks his team off the pitch in the event of the next aberration and refuses to continue a match, we'll see no discernible change and more posturing from that limp dick Webb on Sky Sports etc when Neville and Carra etc go in for a cosy chat. That or PL managers all refuse to do interviews for TV until there's a proper review or something. It'll need to be drastic, unfortunately. We need to embrace technology and move with the developments but a massive review of the personnel utilising and managing the thing needs to happen sooner rather than later.
  8. Bournemouth look crap under this new forrin fella. I can almost hear Merson asking why they got rid of Gary O'Neil cos he knows the league and the club and this guy he don't know the Premier League. Early days I suppose but if they get beat off Everton next week it looks canny bleak for them.
  9. Ollie Watkins can fuck off, did absolutely nowt for 6 weeks, took him out before last weekend - 4 in 2 and an assist the cunt.
  10. Aye. Always said this when they pushed the "Respect the ref" stuff - they are so consistently incompetently bad that they fully deserve all the shit they get from fans, managers and players.
  11. The little sidesteppy-shuffle with the ball before he got the shot on target away in the first half, unbelievable skill. Another good showing, other than the bit described above it was another one where he was neat, tidy, economical with the ball, grafted hard and found good positions. Great to see him start to cement himself as a starter and as someone we can rely on.
  12. Scrap the post game analysis and just give us a long Klopp interview pls.
  13. Fuck Klopp and his team. Loved watching them get all the worst luck.
  14. Pilko

    Sean Longstaff

    He was excellent again today. Another clean sheet against his name when starting. Team game of course but Sean playing usually means a win and often a clean sheet.
  15. Feels like all Liverpool's spawny dodgy decision chickens coming home to roost. Bet the cunts still win with 9 as well.
  16. Also - Gordon's card was a disgrace. It was quite clearly a pass rather than a petulant kick of the ball, obviously he didn't hear the whistle. Stupid wanker ref.
  17. Fairly comfortable afternoon bar a slightly sketchy first ten mins. Could have been 3 up at the break really and then controlled it really well til the second came. Only downer was the Jow injury.
  18. The ref and the East Stand linesman today, fucking hell. They must have had the day off when shirt pulls were covered during the refereeing course. I counted 3 really obvious ones in the first 5 mins of the second half that were all completely ignored Thankfully he got the pen right but not much else.
  19. Pilko


    Can't believe they were 5/4 to win that tonight. Sheff Wed are the absolute pits, no pace in their side whatsoever.
  20. Eh? Pope doesn't need a rest furthest he has to run is the length of the pitch if we lose the toss.
  21. Pilko

    Anthony Gordon

    Class shift he put in tonight.
  22. We never get any fucking luck do we Would love to beat Man U and their bellend boss though.
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