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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Pilko

    Sean Longstaff

    Hit and miss performance but he was part of a winning side, which is often is when he starts. I appreciate this was our easiest fixture so far on paper but there's a correlation going back about a year where Sean starting usually means we win, even if he has a canny poor game himself.
  2. Good on him for calling out the poor standard of refereeing, they are absolutely shit across the board and lack any kind of accountability.
  3. Perfect for him really. Only has to work a fortnight every few months and can reunite with his fav Jeff Hendrick.
  4. Some of his touches late on in the game, from balls that were kicked high into the sky, were absolutely world class. Really felt like he dragged us over the line once he bagged the pen. Really hope he gets 2nd top scorer behind Shearer.
  5. Pilko

    Harvey Barnes

    Carried it well today at times, particularly second half. Didn't seem to do much first half despite him being on the touchline near where I was sat. Solid showing for the sort of game it was although would expect more to come.
  6. Pilko

    Anthony Gordon

    He was good all in all today, one or two errant passes and poor touches but positive with his play and looked sharp in certain moments. He'll get there I think. Definitely a good player in him.
  7. Thought we were pretty poor first half but second half a lot brighter. Wilson and Burn the stand out performances on the night but some good showings across the pitch and pretty much what I predicted/wanted before the game - just win, no matter how. Pawson I thought was inconsistent and gave a lot of soft calls to the opposition but then also somehow managed to rack up 5 yellows to them. Couldn't wait to get the whistle in his mouth to give throws and free kicks against us late on, possibly because the East Stand contingent near me absolutely berated him when he was at the screen ruling out the second pen. Brentford all in all were canny poor and other than Pope making a good save almost straight away from the first whistle I can't remember him having anything to do. Wissa looked busy but the rest of their attacking players looked absolutely chod. Great to chalk up the win whilst resting Isak, Tonali and Almiron too. Bring on Tuesday!
  8. Wolves 0-3 Liverpool Villa 2-0 Palace Fulham 3-1 Luton Man United 1-2 Brighton Spurs 3-0 Sheff United West Ham 1-2 Man City Newcastle 2-1 Brentford Bournemouth 1-2 Chelsea Everton 0-2 Arsenal Forest 1-0 Burnley
  9. Leicester were 2/1 tonight. Absolutely printing money at that price.
  10. Pilko

    Football podcasts

    They were doing that fucking nauseating patter circa April 2020 during the lockdown takeover-centric episodes and it was desperately unfunny then. Can't believe they get away with such piss poor content when it's affiliated with the Athletic.
  11. Pilko


    Robertson, oh dear oh dear.
  12. Pilko


    Scottish national anthem would be much better if they just let Ronnie the Corrie sing it complete with "COME ON!!!" at the end of every line.
  13. Pilko


    I wish the pundits and commentators would mention that this is a friendly but not a friendly a few more times. I'm a bit unclear on the whole thing and if they were to talk about it more it would really help.
  14. Pilko


    Should focus on his job, you don't see school dinner ladies trying to play professional football so why's he trying to feed kids?!?!?!
  15. Pilko


    Came on to highlight just that, he's bang on.
  16. Pilko


    What a load of boring tosh that was.
  17. I thought he looked familiar, just realised I used to work with his younger brother a few years ago. If he's owt like his brother he'll be a good bloke to have around.
  18. Pilko

    Football podcasts

    I know some on here are less keen on Undr the Cosh but would recommend the Mark Halsey episode just out. The ones they've done with referees so far have been excellent and this one is possibly the best one yet (Jeff Winter and Kevin Lynch the other ones worth a go). He proper hates Mike Riley which I'm sure plenty on here can relate to
  19. Pilko


    Thick bastards have got nowt to do but talk about our ownership all day and night because there's absolutely fuck all of interest happening in their club or city as usual. Bang average Championship side overseen by a mumbling old gadgey in a stadium with more crisp packets on the pitch than supporters in the crowd. Shit hole of a city with no tourism, nothing about it and full of troglodytes who bleat on about how terrible the mags are because they can't bear living in our shadow. Highlight of their year is wearing their new red and white rag from the club shop to Ponteland Airport before their 6 night all inclusive in Benidorm. They'll hark back to the monsoon game and 6 in a row (conveniently ignoring the fact they knowingly played a paedophile in most of the games) and bang on about how they are much classier than we are and how the rest of the country likes them better than us (conveniently ignoring the fact that anyone visiting Sunderland as an away fan or indeed a player chooses to stay in Newcastle) because it's all they have to keep them going. keep banging on about our Saudi ownership lads, it'll drown out the sound of the Champions League music and our hoardes of fans celebrating.
  20. Pilko


    Cancel the red arrows and make them the black and white arrows too, can't be having Sunlin colours during the Great Newcastle Run.
  21. I hope for comedic effect he's counting down with the starter pistol in the air "three... two... one...." and then before he can activate it, Tindall steps in front of him and fires his own one
  22. Pilko

    Nick Pope

    The most irritating thing about the first goal was for a keeper who fucking constantly boots long kicks into touch, the one time he should have done exactly that he passes it straight to the opposition.
  23. Pilko

    Joe Willock

    This is fucking typical.
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