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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Great work from him to put Doninger through on goal last night. Did superbly well to lay it off for Vuckic to bury his shot too.
  2. Hibbert's just been booked in the game against Villa so he misses this game now. Cahill and Arteta next, please...
  3. My Grandad was told late last year that he should undergo the same operation. He was told if he had it, there was a huge risk that he may not make it through the operation (can't remember the exact percentage they gave him) due to him previously having a heart attack. The other option was not to have it, enjoy the lifestyle he currently has but inevitably one day, his heart will go again. I really cannot see how Kinnear can come back and continue to be the manager of a football club, nevermind a Premier League football club - it would kill him off.
  4. mackems.gif Hand either one of them it now, why not. They've both won a friendly against decent opposition with over a year left until the competition takes place, they'll definitely be the two finalists.
  5. Good news. Did we sign any of the lads (think a couple were Finnish, can't remember the other nationalities) that came over on trial in January?
  6. Yeah, because that's Xisco's fault isn't it.
  7. What's that based on? His un-questionably superior club experience and acheivements im guessing. Not questioning his club coaching ability, but not so good internationally? Not as good as being a club manager imo Fair enough. The way you worded it, it came across that you didn't really rate him on the International scene.
  8. What's that based on? His un-questionably superior club experience and acheivements im guessing. Not questioning his club coaching ability, but not so good internationally?
  9. What's that based on?
  10. Well reading this thread there seems to be some uncertainty about it all I know, but personally, I think he's said all he needs to. He's told the fans that the £8m made from this window will be reinvested in the summer. That's good enough for me. I don't want it to be made public if we have any extra funds made available on top of that £8m.
  11. I think it already has. Everybody knows we have £8m from this window, as was outlined. Anything else we have to spend will more than likely be kept secret and that's exactly how it should be.
  12. After Xisco's performance for the Reserves tonight, I imagine Kinnear's blood pressure will have shot through the roof.
  13. Hopefully. Or Kinnear could have turned up and was so disgusted he was on the pitch, he ordered that he was taken off.
  14. Did he? Nothing on the updates and all of the subs have been used.
  15. Smith plays for 90 minutes and does fuck all. Ranger plays for 9 minutes and scores.
  16. Agree with what you've said - pleased for him. EDIT: Also scored a second to make it 4-0.
  17. Someone mentioned earlier that he currently only has nine bookings though?
  18. My vote for the forum's new tag line. Well done to everyone who entered, some brilliant designs but junkhead is a truly worthy winner, great effort from him.
  19. It's worrying just how easily Taylor gets turned. Getting planted on his ass by average players on a regular basis. I honestly think some sort of lessons on how to keep his balance (ballet? ) would do him the world of good. Prefer him to have some defensive coaching first. I don't think he's that bad. He's not in all honesty although in a full strength back 4 for us he wouldn't be in it but he'll be a player if he leaves that wouldn't shock me if he improved rapidly with some proper defensive coaching. Pretty much sums up how I feel too.
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