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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. And this is where I and it looks like the majority of people on this thread are completely different then. I'm sorry but you sound completely deluded. You don't support a football cub because it's successful or not! Why do you think that fans all over the country go to games, they don't have success, they support their football because they love it. This is why we get called deluded You missed my point, which was if you love the club you want what's best for it. I don't think you particularly care as long as you can keep going to the games. What was the banner we made? We don't demand a team that wins, we demand a club that tries. A big difference there. And apparently what's best for it, is just to boycott it, stop supporting it and for some fans actively wish it loses football games... Thats not what supporting your club is about. I want my club to be successful ofcourse but sometimes you have to live in the real world, not every football club is successful Boycotting to try and enact a positive change for the club that we love, so we can change the decline that we've all seen. Trying rather than sitting back and just taking this shit from Ashley. I just don't get your point that it's ok to be scrape by, it's like you're missing the entire point of sport. The point is to get excited and to dream for the best. You work so you can achieve something. Imagine telling any professional football player with any dignity that the club they've just joined isn't bothered about competing. Every club has a target it aims for, it want's to build on what it has achieved. Newly promoted clubs aim to avoid relegation and in doing so they win, but then they will seek to build and progress. You don't seem to care that we're in a terrible decline.
  2. And this is where I and it looks like the majority of people on this thread are completely different then. I'm sorry but you sound completely deluded. You don't support a football cub because it's successful or not! Why do you think that fans all over the country go to games, they don't have success, they support their football because they love it. This is why we get called deluded You missed my point, which was if you love the club you want what's best for it. I don't think you particularly care as long as you can keep going to the games. What was the banner we made? We don't demand a team that wins, we demand a club that tries. A big difference there.
  3. What frustrates me most about this schism between the fans is that those that keep going see themselves as the true fans who are willing to keep going because they care for THEIR club. It’s not about being successful it’s about supporting your club through thick and thin. I disagree with that totally. I think it boils down to one thing, if you love your club you want what is best for it. I don’t think many people can argue at this point that Mike Ashley is good for Newcastle United. After twelve years we’ve regressed to this point, yet so many are still content to keep going while whining about wanting a change, but not willing to do anything about it. These people don’t love the club, the like going to see a football match every other weekend. Something needs to be done to save Newcastle, a boycott is not going to significantly hurt Ashley’s pockets in a pure monetary sense. But if we have an empty stadium for a few games or a season it’s going to hurt his brand. He’s here for his cheap advertising, so if his brand, sport direct, can be hurt it will impact him more than the money lost from gate receipts. If you want what is best for this club it wouldn’t hurt you to miss games, sometimes a sacrifice is necessary. The fact that people are unwilling to even entertain it is just depressing. Fuck man, we’re probably going down one way or another this season. We might as well make it mean something.
  4. Look at the insults I've taken for having the absolute temerity to go to football games, football games played by my football club Nobody is insulting you for going to the game, that's 100% your choice. You're getting insults because you're unable to grasp the importance of not going. Because I have a different opinion to you regarding what will not going do? I've listened to what's been said regarding the importance of not going, but just because you've said it, it doesn't mean it's true? We have completely different views on the best way to help the club, that's fine. It's all about opinions, there's a hell of a lot off people out there who disagree with you. Out of curiosity, what are you doing to help the club?
  5. I don't understand why Steve Wraith is seen as one of the champions of our fan base. What is it about him that's given him this platform among our fans? He's never done anything remotely deserving of his status, every time I hear anything about him he seems to do more harm than good.
  6. Am actually most concerned about CM tbh. We can shift around at the back and put square pegs in round holes if need be, but in CM we’re fucked if Shelvey or Diame are crocked/drop form. Yeah, I can't imagine Diame keeping his form from the end of last season, either. Guy was class from late December onwards and has looked good in pre-season, still being put down as a "purple patch". I'd scared to feel hope
  7. Am actually most concerned about CM tbh. We can shift around at the back and put square pegs in round holes if need be, but in CM we’re fucked if Shelvey or Diame are crocked/drop form. Yeah, I can't imagine Diame keeping his form from the end of last season, either.
  8. Cacapa Fucking hell forgot about him. Holy shit we've watched some shite. That Portsmouth game I have zero recollection. Was he too shit to comprehend, because I feel like that's what it has to be. I bet some of the teamsheets from those years would reduce me to tears. We lost the game 4-1 with Portsmouth scoring 3 in the first 10 minutes, Cacapa got absolutely destroyed by Benjani. Bad times
  9. Cacapa Fucking hell forgot about him. Holy shit we've watched some shite. That Portsmouth game
  10. I know it's been mentioned but I absolutely loved the Martins goal against Spurs. He absolutely smashed that ball in from no where
  11. Proper annoyed at that commentator, I hope we absolutely batter Leicester as he must be a former player of theirs.
  12. I've just been trying to get tickets to the Swansea game and I've noticed that the level 7 block F is on sale on our website but is designated visitors, does this mean it's selling tickets for visiting fans or it's normally for visitors but Swansea didn't sell enough tickets so now it's on sale for us?
  13. They played better than us for decent stretches of the game. They didn't have a shot on target in 96 minutes of football. I'm not saying they were incredible but there wasn't much between out teams today.
  14. Reminds me more of the early reports that Rafa may be joining.
  15. The atmosphere in the Gallowgate was really good, particularly the corner toward the Milburn Stand. There seems to be a new singing section there? A group of fans were chanting all game.
  16. Great performance. Lascelles was MotM but Merino was our best player, the only criticism I have of him was the dive. Any chance he could get done for that? They were going to bring that in this season I think.
  17. So the money we got for being in the premier league this season isn't something that we've generated yet?
  18. I doubt he'll never leave until we unite to oust him. He's getting too much free exposure for his business while he's here, and is therefore unlikely to sell unless a ridiculous offer comes his way. That or people say enough is enough and actually stop going to games.
  19. New flag for the next home game ? They'll just ban all the flags.
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