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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. “Twisted his wrist” apparently. We’re now in the realms of injuries I didn’t know were possible.
  2. Off to the top of my head, Barnes toe snapping off while jogging. Burn's broken back. Anderson's broken back. Murphy's shoulder popping out (twice). Pope's shoulder popping out. And now Wilson's chest snapping.
  3. Annoyed if he goes. He was a symbol of the new era, a kind of "we're ready to take football seriously again" statement. Losing him to Manchester Fucking United of all clubs is a bitter pill to swallow. That said, he's not the only good Director of Football in the world, and provided we replace well, it's not a huge deal. Good riddance if he jumps ship so quickly.
  4. If that were one of our players, there's a reasonably good chance they would have dislocated both shoulders.
  5. We've definitely changed shape here. Trippier and Miley playing DM!? 3 at the back. It's all over, but definitely looks intentional.
  6. Burn better produce a hell of a performance. If he's rinsed and it leads to us shipping goals, it's fully on Howe and inexcusable, tbh.
  7. Not sure Murphy actually hit the target from one yard.
  8. West Ham have agreed a deal to sign Kalvin Phillips on loan from Manchester City for the rest of the season, according to reports. (Mail Sports)
  9. Isn’t it done on a rolling 3 year basis, year by year? In which case revenue is revenue and would benefit a three year period regardless.
  10. I think because if you sell the player for the cash up front, you can spread the replacement across five years, and that has an accounting impact. So selling Bruno for £50m, you could sign 3x £50m players on three year contracts. Or something to that effect. It's nonsense. Edit: @sushimonster85 explained it better above.
  11. Well, yeah. It’s total hindsight.
  12. I’m not arguing that they weren’t sensible transfers given what we knew. And whats transpired is unlucky, no doubt. Every transfer is a gamble in football. We gambled and lost. We are happy to call transfers successful, these haven’t been for this season, therefore they’re a failure, surely? I’m not necessarily ascribing blame to anyone in this, but I would argue it’s been a failure of a window for this season. A couple of good seasons out of those players and they might turn out to be successful long-term.
  13. I think a 10th placed finish is pretty realistic at this moment in time - particularly if we don't sign anyone meaningful. Would be a bit of a kick in the teeth. As others have said, whether you consider it a failure is probably down to your personal take. FFP has us hamstrung, and injuries have been horrific. But we ultimately spent the bulk of our transfer budget on: Tonali Barnes Livramento Hall (loan fee/future fee/potentially) Bar Livramento, who's been excellent when on the pitch, that's one hell of a failure of a window. Assuming we don't do much this window, this season's transfer business will be looked back on as very poor, at least in the short term. It doesn't feel like what we wanted to do this year has come off, therefore, IMO, the season will have been a failure. The real question is who will we end up losing through regression of that scale? You might got another season out of most of them, but would be a miracle not to lose a star or two from that outcome.
  14. I was handing flyers out (I think that day). Got some absolutely vile abuse outside the ground.
  15. Okay, cool, let's have Gordon break down instead.
  16. Depends. Allows you to push Isak out on the left and rest Gordon, who we're really in dire straits without should he get injured.
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