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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. Big River

    Fabian Schär

    here -> https://www.nufc.co.uk/nufc-tv/latest-videos/schar-looking-forward-to-new-chapter-under-howe/
  2. yeah, it's not great. he's definitely getting his confidence back though, seems a lot more comfortable with the ball at his feet these days. hope he continues improving and gets back to his very best, he hasn't had a lot to do lately, but hasn't quite looked the same since his howler(s) in the Euros.
  3. that would wind me up if I was a Leeds fan, the old fuck. I've got a sneaky feeling Bruno will start against West Ham, but will support Howe's decision regardless. think he's a much better man manager than he gets credit for.
  4. Big River


    haven’t heard 6 in a row or NETD for years proper nostalgia that. huckles.
  5. my biggest worry is that we slip into old habits without him on the pitch. He's clearly inspiring the rest of them, just hope he's done enough already to make it stick. will he still be in and about the changing room before/during matches? or do players just typically stay away to rehab?
  6. might sound harsh, but I fucking hate him (as a footballer, not as a person) and can't wait until he gets peddled him being our benchmark is a big reason Matt Targett looked like prime Cafu on his debut. He's never, ever been good enough. people argue he's a good defender, and does the fundamentals well, but he's shit scared of the ball, has zero technique and offers no attacking threat whatsoever. because he's so limited he gets held to the lowest possible standard, the opposite of someone like ASM, basically. not to mention he's a perma crock. thanks for everything Paul, but down to the Champo you go son. Bruce will probably sign him. which says everything you need to know.
  7. Big River

    Ryan Fraser

    I like how Jenas picked him out there on MOTD. he’s worked his nuts off lately, and it feels like it’s only a matter of time before the assists and goals start to come.
  8. wtf we seem to have a good knack of drawing teams into a scrap, I think we’ll win. 1-0 Shelvey.
  9. the crutch took the photo
  10. Big River

    Dan Burn

    another one who looks like he’s been playing here for years. a brilliant debut. him and Targett down that side of the defence are already looking like massive upgrades.
  11. I’d take another 6-0 against these like, not gonna lie.
  12. Tuesday night reminded me a bit of the good old days. a proper game under the lights, there's nothing better! and it was fucking brilliant to see all of the pubs and restaurants absolutely packed, people smiling and just generally having a great time. it really is magical what this club can do.
  13. back to back wins with King Wood leading the line. it’s not a coincidence. he’s basically Joselu though. ultimately not good enough, but a necessary signing and he’ll do a job. obviously a good character, experienced, knows the league etc etc who gives a fuck what he cost? it’s not our problem.
  14. he definitely was yeah. not sure if he does that every game or what, but he looked fucking mental. kept coughing, shouting and twitching all over the shop. daft mackem weirdo. I loved our equaliser and the fact we grabbed the ball out of the net and the whole team sprinted back to get the game restarted. tails were well and truly up.
  15. he’s on a completely different level, this lad. unbelievably good in every single way tonight. immense.
  16. brilliant debut. chuffed for him!
  17. I've had three poos today. definitely nervous.
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