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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I was really hoping to find something personal in this letter. From the person of Fabricio Coloccini himself. And I was willing to listen and give what he says a chance. Instead it's the same old generic rent-a-quote bollocks that simply doesn't wash. He touched ever so slightly on the right path then diverted from it again. Fuck that. Fuck him. And fuck this club.
  2. I know we're not Man Utd, and Carver isn't Van Gaal, but fuck me, when they had their defensive crisis earlier in the season, they still had no qualms about playing McNair and Blackett. We really should be bringing Satka and Sterry into the first team for this game at least. Train with them all week, and just give it a go. That;s what a professional football club would do at least. In our case it's old rusty and shit squares pegs in round holes.
  3. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    Fucking hell. Who comes up with this shit?
  4. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    Down and out. It's gonna get ugly and bumpy. At least we have each other to hold onto and see what the fuck happens. None of us deserves this. I sincerely hope there's a huge bright light at the end of this fucking tunnel somewhere.
  5. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    He was getting the best out of his players a week ago though...
  6. You couldn't make it up. Total farce. Anita one of our best players He is one of our best players on the ball. Read the guy's post.
  7. themanupstairs

    Paul Dummett

    Satka and Sterry will need to be brought into the fold. Far better options than Ryan fucking Taylor.
  8. It's more the fact so many people (like you) were quick to write a promising manager off for no good reason whatsoever. Sorry mate. I feel guilty now. Really, I do Wish I could always be right like you.
  9. Obviously the N-O members who turned their noses up at Sherwood were the reason he didn't sign for us. Pretty sure if we had all unanimously posted positive opinions about him, he would have come here, and we'd be sitting pretty in 12th. Hang your heads in shame lads.
  10. There's no way we're staying up. Done and dusted IMO.
  11. Best thing about this season tbh, as embarrassing as that is to say.
  12. why anyone still bites is beyond me npw not beyond me though
  13. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    This. Carver, Stone and Woodman are clearly way out of their depth, and i've always maintained that they do fuck all in training. It's the only explanation for why our players never improve, lack intensity, are never fully fit for too long, and why we have not changed our set-piece routine for 5 years now.
  14. Absolutely ludicrous that this utter cunt can make claims about "what tools i've got to work with, listen", when you look at that bench.
  15. Need english passhun and steal m8 get in there tayls stamp your aufority
  16. Shockingly shit news RIP :(
  17. :lol: tweet that to him man :lol: awesome. Do it Bluestar!
  18. The proofing is in the pudding IMO. At yeast we'll have a born and bread Geordie leading us to victory. Too much?
  19. Would much rather remember the likes of him for the magic they produced on the pitch than the utter bollocks they currently spout. Rob Lee is nothing to NUFC now except a legend as a player. Couldn't care less what he has to say.
  20. Can see the rag headlines from now: "St. Jemez Jets in to Placate Paco Geordie Cunts"
  21. We'll draw one and win one IMO. Draw Leicester and beat WB.
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