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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Miro Klose Always thought Mikael Ballack would make a good manager.
  2. Up into the top 70's in N-O league. Never would have dreamed of it earlier in the season
  3. Aye I reckon after the derby defeat someone knocked up a quality website like that with superb content in 24 hours. Look at the dates on the articles on the website that go back months - to suggest that the Ashley Out campaign wasn't planned all along is just plain f***ing wrong. That doesn't surprise me though because you've been wrong about almost everything since you signed up on here a couple of days ago. Straight after Pardew was sacked, they put out a statement saying that it was just the beginning. Absolute arrogance in ignorance again from this dafty. The first I heard of AshleyOut.com was in the thread with that title. I assumed the whole point of that thread was to announce it going live. If it existed before then, if it has existed ever since Pardew left, then that only goes to show how ineffective it's been - I've heard nothing about it, not from the press or any other fans, and needless to say I've not notice any of its campaigns. Launched yesterday, clearly prepared before. Hadn't heard of you before yesterday but presumably you existed as person before, so how ineffective have you been?
  4. You might have found it acceptable to be talked down to by Ashley's puppet, Pardew but I didn't. Being told that we couldn't compete with the giant clubs like Norwich, Swansea and Southampton in the transfer market, being told " thank god we aren't in Europe", listening to him grovel to fatty every time he was allowed to buy 1 million superstars, the record number of 3 or more goal twattings we endured during his spell as manager not to mention the horrendous runs of form that were commonplace as time progressed, not to mention the number of lies and contradictions Pardew came out with, these things p!us plenty of other things made the obnoxious Pardew fair game for criticism. Bingo. Right on cue, another criticism based solely on something I never said. I never "found it acceptable to be talked down to by Ashley's puppet". I just wasn't daft enough to believe going after the puppet instead of the master made any sense at all. Criticising Pardew for trying to explain/justify/defend policies that solely resulted from the way Ashley wanted the club to be run? Hard to think of a bigger waste of effort than that, in my book. And the whole puppet meme is overblown anyway, if the press is to be believed Pardew went right off message by playing strong sides in Europe. Wonder why he would do that? Satisfy the fans? Progress the team? What an utter puppet c***. Good riddance. Still, it's great to know he's gone and has been exposed as the incompetent he clearly was, we've now got a great manager who's prepared to ignore Ashley and not be his puppet talking down to us. Oh no, wait.... Despite Ashley being the root cause of the evil surrounding NUFC, Pardew was the one in the spotlight. He was the one talking utter rubbish at every opportunity making himself and our club look like fools. Pardew was the one denigrating the good name of NUFC pushing officials and nutting players. Pardew was the one responsible for the pathetic football and alarming run(s) of defeats. Pardew was the lying snake who talked about playing front-foot attacking football when anyone with a pair of eyes could see he was a defeatist coward. Pardew was ultimately the one with no self respect whatsoever bleating on about losing Cabaye in one breath and thanking Ashley in the next. Pardew was a loathsome prick of the highest order, and by far the worst manager in this club's recent history. Fans would have been right to go after him whether he was Ashley's man, Shepherd's man, or any other owner's.
  5. Too bad every subsequent post of his has been a car crash since.
  6. fickle ˈfɪk(ə)l adjective changing frequently, especially as regards one's loyalties or affections. I don't think I know a single person who has liked, then hated, then liked, then hated Pardew or Ahsley. Fickle isn't the word you are looking for unfortunately. I don't think I've ever seen people deliberately ignore someone's point for so long, just so they could construct their own straw man arguments to refute and attempt to make the other guy look stupid. One. Last. Time. I did not say the fans were fickle. I did say the SackPardew campaign made them look fickle. I did not say you had to care that's what it made them look like. End. Of. Pretty obvious from this part, that you haven't even looked at their website in the first place
  7. This. I swear if it weren't for this place, I'd have almost no connection with NUFC whatsoever. It's the equivalent of being down the local with a few old war buddies, reminiscing about the days of old, and hoping we'll all still be around by the time the lean times return.
  8. I can't believe you wasted your time posting this tripe. That attitude is exactly why we win f*** all. Bollocks. What this guy is saying is that Tim Krul's NUFC career cannot be summed up in this one moment. It's ridiculous to single him out for something we don't even know much about apart from some video images, and totally ignore everything else. The club is diseased, and this incident may or may not be a symptom of it. It's abundantly clear that the buck stops with the ownership and management. They have provided this platform, and are reaping what they've sown.
  9. I prefer captains who know how to put their women in their place.
  10. Same Motherfuckers that was a good one
  11. What I'll never understand is how some people, in this thread and others, make direct comparisons between managers as if they were horses running the same race, completely disregarding the myriad of external factors that can make them successful, unsuccessful, or just plain old average at any given point in time. That goes for Garde AND Pardew of course, and their relative achievements throughout their careers. It's never ever that black and white ffs.
  12. As an argument to bring Pardew back
  13. It's called compassion and human decency, look it up. . It's not only that. The guy was rotting away in a terrible team, producing nothing of note to merit his place in it. Since then he's had some time away from football, and a health scare to boot. He is clearly playing with a renewed purpose, even if it's only to try and repay the support of the fans in the form of dogged hard work. To me that is a lot more meaningful than anything Gouffran and Obertan bring to the team. If he must play it should be in the middle though. He hasn;t been a proper winger since his first ever game for us at Old Trafford.
  14. That Sbragia quote is something out of the dark ages. Wonder if they know what sport they're playing. Seems to lean more towards athletics rather than football. The same school losers like Pardew came from.
  15. Exactly. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't seem to have a genuine support network that can actually give him some meaningful help.
  16. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    It's painful when you start coming to this realization. We are being taken the p*ss out of, and most of us choose to sit and take it. Carver has nothing of substance about him, and nor do most of our players. The owner doesn;t give a s***, and we have absolute morons like Ryder writing about us thinking his words are influential. I don't buy the whole "didn't have a choice but to support NUFC because I'm from the area" thing. There are plenty of Geordies out there with no interest in football. We all make a choice at some point in our lives, for a reason or another to support NUFC, Geordies or not. It almost feels as though these reasons are vanishing one by one with every embarrassing episode.
  17. I take it you've never seen the 6.5 billion times Krul/Elliot took a FK from the half way line that amounted to absolutely no threat whatsoever? I would definitely rather we took these types of fouls short tbh.
  18. The interview where he apologized after the match was as insincere as any I've seen.
  19. I hate everything about the way NUFC is run. We clearly aren't in the business of competitive football. It is getting so difficult to see a point in continuing to support us. If Satka isn't good enough (as a young reserve player), then why is he still here? If he's not good enough then why did al pards and now carver sing his praises? I hope he starts at CB. Even if we get humiliated, so fucking what? That's life. If he has anything about him, he'll not take it personally and learn from it and grow. If a beating off Arsenal is going to ruin his career then he was never meant to make it.
  20. The only way Colo's tackle should have been appealed is if there was any doubt as to whether he got a bit of the ball or not (had it been that type of tackle). Take for example Habib Beye's last man challenge which earned him a red card at the time. The FA correctly reversed the referee's decision when video evidence showed he had got the ball. Colo's tackle had no such circumstances and should never have been appealed.
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