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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Here we go again Thanks for reminding why I hated Spurs for so long
  2. I banged a swedish bird once. She was off her tits.
  3. Sky Sports News ‏@SkySportsNews Police uncover criminal conspiracy which has fixed 380 European matches involving 425 corrupt officials and players in 15 countries #ssn Guardian sport ‏@guardian_sport Europol: investigators identify 380 football matches fixed across Europe and 425 corrupt officials, players and criminals http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21319807
  4. He was the furthest man forward at times, and spent most of the game past the half the way line.
  5. 72 pts this week again! Thanks to Lloris, Walker, Sissoko, Mata, Walcott, Rooney© and Sturridge who all did their bit.
  6. Dafuq was Reina doing? Diabolical goal keeping.
  7. Absolutely disgusting cheat is Suarez. Tip-toeing forward dragging Sturridge forward with him in the wall for thet City free kick. Filthy filthy human being.
  8. You've finally seen sense and turned!! Welcome aboard buddy
  9. French people and the media are happy to see "frenchies" in Premier League, for us it is the best league in the world and we are glad to see our players "the France team" become stronger. In France we love Arsenal. Now, we love Newcastle and Arsenal . Sissoko is not our best midfield in "France team", Matuidi is the best ! Les Français et les médias sont content de voir "des français" en Premier League, pour nous c'est la meilleure ligue du monde et on est content de voir nos joueurs de" l'équipe de France" devenir plus fort. En France on aime Arsenal. Maintenant, on aime Newcastle et Arsenal . Sissoko n'est pas notre meilleur milieu en "Équipe de France", Matuidi est le meilleur ! Are you mimi in disguise?
  10. So possibly no Defoe and no Adebayor for them next week?
  11. Ouch! Painful turn of the ankle there for Defoe
  12. Possibly an exaggeration, Jesus lacked acceleration. Good on crosses though...
  13. Why are people terrified of likening any of our players to other clubs' superstars? How do you judge if Sissoko is better than or inferior to Toure? As far as I'm concerned, if Sissoko had Toure's name on his shirt yesterday, it wouldn't look out of place. We just might have a couple of players who are as good, if not better than the top players at the "top" clubs.
  14. How many minutes did he spend on the pitch?
  15. Anita isn't an attacking player though, i keep saying it and it keeps falling on death ears. He's a straight up DM and the only reason he was playing so far forward before because he was more creative than any other player we had fit and quite frankly was quicker and technically better too. When he plays DM( mostly from Ajax days) he hardly goes past the half way line, he just wins the ball gets it and gives it in a very economic manner in a Busquets style if you will. It really does worry me how poorly he's being used and it depresses me that Perch is in front of him as he could do what Perch has done in last couple of games and better in his sleep. I have not seen him used correctly since he joined this club and hope that changes in the near future. What about his performances thus far in England lead you to believe this, though? I understand how he played in Holland, but Afonso Alves played liek Robert Van Persie in Holland, it doesn't always translate especially from that league in particular. The calibre and physicality of players is of a higher level in England. Aye that BVP was something special
  16. His celebration embodied everything that I felt today. Never seen a player go ape shit as he did having scored. Beautiful feeling for him, and couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke.
  17. So so so so jealous man The home support was fantastic today. Soon as Chelsea's second went in, the fans picked the players up.
  18. agree with all, although I thought Cabaye had a brilliant first half dictating the play. The highlighted bit Massively important point. Has been the key difference in the past two games imo. Obviously Sissoko has been very influential, but Gouffran's contribution to out tactical game has been immense.
  19. No words to describe him today.
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