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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Love me some Leighton Baines. Lovely player to watch. Gerard starting again
  2. Absolutely nothing wrong with giving him a try at that level imo. He's an industrious player who has stood out for Everton more often than not. He's no clogger either, and his technique is pretty good for an Englishman (stereotype alert). The real indictment of English football is that Stevie Gerraaahd YNWA is still fucking captaining the side despite being injury ridden and completely finished for 2 years now.
  3. Long - 5 year contract signed less than a year ago. Not surprising that a very good player who deserves to be playing at CL level wants to play at that level. Completely unnecessary him coming out with these comments though. Absolutely. Everton and Moyes should slap him with a fine. No place for these comments at this stage of the season. From Everton's point of view he'll be a marked man now as far as his performances and body language/behavior go. Any below par showings will be attributed to these comments and his desire to leave. Stupid.
  4. Livescore have given it to Yo Aye looks like it now. Said Diaby first.
  5. Gerard is fucking pants man. He's completely finished.
  6. Why on earth are we still giving this parasite any attention? Was hoping this thread would pretty much go in the way of this waster's career.
  7. I sometimes wonder if people actually understand what playing 433 as a football strategy. It's not about individual players' positioning, but about maintaining team shape.
  8. Why would it have been horrific for them to dump Henderson or Downing for Dempsey? Although I do agree that they continue to embarrass themselves in every way possible. Rodgers is so out of his depth.....ah fuck it, I'm tired of going on about it
  9. Love to see him make his bow at OT in the league cup. Starting behind Campbell
  10. It's not so hard to understand really. He's a blithering idiot, everyone knows that. People follow him because his bullshit simply stirs people's imagination and hope. For the record, I don't follow Colin
  11. themanupstairs


    He's on 50k pw. I know the guy personally. If you know him personally, then do you have any idea why he hasn't been much cop since he's joined? By his words. He has been frozen out, sometimes doesn't even get told when to report to training etc. I don't find that hard to believe, but he's obviously lacking in professionalism. If he cared at all - not necessarily about NUFC but about his career - he wouldn't need to be told when to report for training. I'm sure if he showed an interest he wouldn't be frozen out since he's already an employee of the club. He joined at a very difficult time, and he was a massive contentious boiling point in amongst the whole Keegan vs Wise debacle, so I can afford him some leeway. Where has he been in the last 3 years though in terms of application and effort? Hope he can revive whatever is left of his career and be a Sibierski type figure for us this season, even though he's not fit to lace the big bald giant's boots.
  12. themanupstairs


    He's on 50k pw. I know the guy personally. If you know him personally, then do you have any idea why he hasn't been much cop since he's joined?
  13. They'll sell some shirts, and he'll score a couple of important goals. Nowhere near what they need, and will be a signing to appease the famous Kop(out).
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