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Everything posted by Neil

  1. People scoffed at the Afobe price but he's doing the business.
  2. Neil


    From an outsider looking in, there's absolutely no comparison. But I'll accept the sentiment.
  3. Neil


    He is. He's just got a great all-round game which is why I was so confused by the "possible one season wonder" remarks. He's good in the air, he's quick, he's good outside the area, decent hold-up play and ultimately is a good finisher. Needs to start in the summer.
  4. Yup, me too. Why?! He's one of the most obvious choices to play in the entire game, surely.
  5. Shows a clever side to him that I'd dare say people weren't expecting.
  6. Neil


    Alli, although a different type of player, is where Barkley should be in his development. He's had a good couple of years now at the top level and he's still making appalling decisions on the pitch. I'd like to think it will come because he's excellent with the ball at his feet and running with it, but if he can't start picking the right balls then Alli has to take precedence. Then I again I just think Dele Alli is fucking mint.
  7. Absolutely. Credit to them.
  8. Remember last season you guys wouldn't believe me when I said in advance of the 3-2 (or was it 3-1?) at SJP that we were a shambles, and you wouldn't believe me. And, IIRC, we were absolutely fucking harrowingly bad that day. We're a different kind of shambles this time around but I can seriously see any result here. You winning 3-2 is just as likely as us winning 4-0.
  9. Starting to see why you discontinued your education.
  10. Struggling to care whether the ball was in or out, given Man City could easily have scored 6 tonight. Going to take an extremely impressive last 3 months of the season to prevent the supporters turning on Martinez.
  11. We'll see at Goodison. Dunno how you didn't score given a cursory ball forward into our box caused pandemonium.
  12. Martinez is asking us to play in a way certain players are not comfortable with. Individual mistakes plus a lack of protection means our defending is regularly appalling, it surely has to be the worst in the league when you look at how easy it is to score against us. Immensely frustrating when you consider the attacking talent we have. If things don't pick up sharp-ish or we win the League Cup, I can see Martinez getting binned off, because it's clear most of our errors come from not clearing our lines and trying to overplay - and that comes from the manager. He hasn't found the balance.
  13. It really doesn't matter who we do or don't rest if we play remotely like we did against Swansea in the first half. Possibly the worst I've seen us play in years.
  14. All is without doubt the real deal. Keeps producing big moments when it matters and at such a young age. If he doesn't start for us in the Euros it's a disgrace.
  15. The bottom line is they're just not very good at all. Sadly, I expect Klopp to be backed in the next transfer window or two and I'd trust him to do a better job than Rodgers in the market. Then again, a broom would probably buy better than Rodgers.
  16. I found it pretty boring really, glad it was only a year.
  17. 3 accumulators this weekend, all 1 goal away. Not complaining about the fact they didn't win as such given they were all 25/1+, but all to be so close is, at best, really fucking irritating.
  18. Thought that list someone posted a while ago didn't have this game? IIRC wasn't another one until the CL resumes.
  19. Fuck off Pardew you smarmy, lying piece of shit.
  20. It was a rare moment of thickness from him. I can forgive him for the Stoke penalty as I think it's questionable albeit reckless. Last night was sheer stupidity and he really should have known better after the Stoke game. Very lucky to get away with it.
  21. There it is again. "We're a tough nut to crack." Media is fucking obsessed with painting us as hard to beat when we're so easy to score against. A good performance from Howard tonight isn't going to change that.
  22. As poor a decision as it was and as terrible as it would be if it was true the ref could be convinced so easily, as a manager would you applaud Schneiderlin in that case?
  23. Can someone just put Motson down? Put us out of our misery.
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