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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Northampton off the line! Kelly saves Liverpool.
  2. Hope Hughton takes this competition seriously for your sake: what a chance has opened up.
  3. Most ever on N-O at the moment it seems. Congratulations, superb game for the neutral and in the end, for you lot! Thrilling and deserved.
  4. Feel free to correct me but Ryan Taylor seems to deliver excellent free kicks, both shots and crosses. I'd dare say one of the best for that in the league.
  5. Fellaini is the one without the position. Baba: I agree with the striker problem. Elsewhere though we didn't need anyone, because think back to last year and it was injuries that obliterated us. We don't have many now so there are no excuses. We'll come good and finish in the top 8.
  6. After 5 games? We've started shit, like we have done consistently. Doesn't excuse it, it's ridiculously frustrating. Let's see how the season goes though, ey?
  7. So he's not talking to BBC reporters, now he's discarding the game altogether? Seriously, unless there's a genuine reason for not being there that is very poor.
  8. Neil

    Titus Bramble

    What's to Dave's right?
  9. Hahahahaha.... http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01721/brent_1721897c.jpg
  10. Other games today, and this was the other game today that got the most attention?
  11. It was arguably our most realistic route to Europe. Ok, not most realistic, but a viable route nonetheless.
  12. Neil

    Football pet hates

    I thought 'The Arsenal' was an official name? May well have made that up, admittedly.
  13. As I say, I can't write him off until he has a consistent starting place. You said it yourself - limited showings. I'm not denying he's not looked particularly good so far but I'm not keen to get rid. Moyes seemingly is, without giving him a fair chance. He also possesses a left foot, which is something the rest of our midfield doesn't.
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