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Everything posted by Neil

  1. 1-1 draw away to a title favourite followed by a clean sheet home victory. 3-0 Sheffield Wednesday is nailed on.
  2. Neil

    Magpie Mover

    and what river is durham on ? i believe they are going to be installing ticket barriers at the central soon. that should be fun on a match day. They've done it at Darlington now, they always break! An absolutely diabolical waste of money they are; infuriatingly pointless.
  3. Games tend to get going after 26 minutes.
  4. Even wor Habib? He didnt have much to do, everything from them came down the other side. The entire day was thoroughly, thoroughly horrible. You could have at least lost spectacularly.
  5. The pointless bizarre camera angles swooping in from all directions probably sums up the amateurish nature of the show. Trying far too hard.
  6. Neil


    Not having access to a PC does tend to have that result, I agree. And for the record, you're scratching far too deep. I come on here primarily because I like Newcastle, and are my second team. Plus you tend to get less mongs than Everton forums. Bitetastic.
  7. Great to be home. ................ First time I'm having serious doubts about Moyes. He hasn't handled this Lescott saga well IMO. I couldn't give a fuck if he wants to go for the money, how the hell can you play him when he doesn't want to play for the club anymore? It's all well and good sounding big and hard by going "I make the decisions round here", etc etc; but it's getting us nowhere. Get rid ASAP (like we should have a couple weeks of ago) and invest the money. How much of a part the whole story played in our defeat I doubt will ever be known. We were shocking, and the hardest thing to take is that in recent years we are very very rarely ever like that - defensively shambolic. As soon as they got the 2nd, even the 1st, our heads dropped and it was a foregone conclusion from there. Yes we still don't have our best 3 players fit but that's a side story - I'm just hoping this was a one off. I can cling to blind hope by going back to 2004, as has perhaps been mentioned, where we finished 4th after getting tonked at home by Arsenal on the opening day, and in our next game went to a promoted side (Crystal Place; our next league game is at Burnley) and won 3-1. Hmm.
  8. I sincerely hope this mentality doesn't develop within the coaching staff. I hope it does develop. Half decent management by Hughton would be a massive improvement. Touche. With one of those accents.
  9. I sincerely hope this mentality doesn't develop within the coaching staff.
  10. Exactly what I've been saying. The league is shit. Caldwell and Carr were first choice in promoted sides last year FFS. Sunderland came up with a load of Irish rejects after losing their first 4 games and appointing Keane on August 28th. Not only did they come up, they romped it. I don't believe it when anyone says this league is competitive. West Brom seem to make a good go of coming and going back down consistently. Smith and Barton will be the best partnership in the league. Enrique will be the best left back in the league. Harper will be the best keeper in the league. Steven Taylor will be in the top 3 centre halves in the league. If we can supplement the above with 2 or 3 good signings and then pad the squad out a bit, we could win the league. Could is the operative word of course as we'll need a fuckin manager and owner! I don't think anyone's said the league is anywhere near the quality of the PL, but it is competitive I'd say. Competitive in the sense of anyone being able to beat anyone - which is completely different to the Premiership.
  11. I sometimes get that. It feels a bit more 'real' when the sides aren't quite as good. I sometimes feel detached when watching Real Madrid, for example.
  12. Neil

    Nile Ranger

    Time to see if this lad is actually any good. If he gets played, that is.
  13. Why are people pissed off he's left? Genuine question btw.
  14. This new system is ridiculous. Sporting are playing Fiorentina as well. Interesting how they want more actual champions in the draw though. From what I've seen of it, I like it. Gives a chance for champions of relatively smaller countries a chance to compete.
  15. Neil

    Darlington FC

    Out of administration! And won't start the season with a points deduction. :clap2:
  16. Nope, I'm staying well away from accies for 2 or 3 weeks to let the season settle down slightly. Gay. Ooo err.
  17. Nope, I'm staying well away from accies for 2 or 3 weeks to let the season settle down slightly. That said, for individual matches, I'd imagine you'd get some pretty good value bets.
  18. Can I take it on a 3 Minute loan deal, I'm quite thirsty? No, stipulated in the contract is a clause saying it can't be loaned back to anyone else called Neil.
  19. On the plus side, I've signed this cup of coffee up on a 10 minute deal.
  20. Twice? Keane's certainly doing things thoroughly.
  21. Wages aside, there's not many Championship teams they wouldn't walk into and be their main player. I think some people are forgetting the level we've dropped to. That argument is irrelevant because we don't belong in the lower divisions. We've dropped to that level exactly because of them.
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