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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Golfmag. Fucking comical.
  2. Fucking this. Deeply disappointing how the vast majority continue to sit on their hands. I know signs were taken off people, but where is the chanting and the vitriol a la So'ton last week?
  3. We'll see. We've been here before though, I don't want to be staying up geet late all the time.
  4. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,95352.0.html http://i.imgur.com/AWZUYKF.gif I don't fucking get that sport man, I've telt you. Haven't the faintest idea what's going on.
  5. What an absolutely abhorrent club. No respect for the people who make it what it is. I think I'm just about done if Pardew manages to ride this out.
  6. I've seen worms around Richardson Dees Park that would wipe the floor with that, looks-wise. And probably dignity-wise n'all. Get fucked "Pards", we will not miss you. In fact we'll continue to mock you for years on end like you did us while you waited for your money.
  7. Really hoping this is the eve of his sacking.
  8. Fuck is this we shit. Fuck off to Redcafe. By the sounds of this you'd think I was new here. Feel like we've been telling you to fuck off since you arrived. Apart from when I ate the chili right? That's when you were looking after me and urging me not to do it. We have an emotional connection Mike. You're Pardew and I'm Ashley. IP is Carver. What the absolute fuck. Why don't you turn up to my place of work on Monday and we'll fucking sort this out.
  9. Trying to slag the fans off for unrealistic expectations one last time to preserve his own reputation, hopefully because he knows he's getting sacked. An absolute prick right to the end if so.
  10. Nice delete then re-post the opposite job there, Ian.
  11. Somebody get in touch with SackPardew.com and tell them cronky reckons it's a bad idea. Hopefully they haven't went to too much trouble already and can simply call it off.
  12. Went to see Benfica-Zenit tonight, was canny. Decent atmosphere despite the ground being half empty and the home side fucking the game up within 20 minutes. Benfica could have got back into it 2nd half to their credit but Zenit always looked more dangerous, Hulk and Danny were excellent on either wing for them.
  13. Got 2 "paragraphs" in, saw a double negative and closed the window.
  14. Absolutely falling apart laughing at this, face is hurting.
  15. Jenas upholding his NUFC cult hero status.
  16. Interpolic

    John Carver

    What a fucking tablespoon.
  17. I think it's just by 3 goals or more, so it includes 6-0s and 7-3s and that.
  18. And our fantastic squad that Pards thanked himself for helping sort out this summer. Thought we'd come out all guns blazing.
  19. Like the cut of this lot's jib like, they appear to be helping in terms of piling the pressure on in an intelligent manner.
  20. People need to stop putting Beardsley in central midfield, it's blatant cheating.
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