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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Me Of course how daft of me to suggest a good available young player when we have dan gosling returning soon Not for long, his contract is running out this summer i think. I wonder if we'll replace him
  2. Dont see why they would have to speak, assuming JFK is as far away from the squad as he claims.
  3. He'll be our youngest ever debutant? Nope, Steve Watson was. He will be our youngest goalscorer though if he did score. Anyone know who our current youngest goalscorer is?
  4. I'm sure there is one russian billionaire who is actually a Newcastle fan
  5. Ah for fucks sake, thought his was on British tv, now my excuse to go to the pubs here has gone
  6. We just average then? Run of the mill players. Mixed in with the rest? If we had a top manager, i'm fairly certain your opinion would quickly change on how good our players are. We'll never know will we? No we won't. We won't ever see a top manager here under Ashley. Well we did briefly, but then Ashley decided to be a lying little scrotum and fuck that up too.
  7. Given the Yohan/Riot song, It's probably best we prepare ourselves for the inevitable 'lock up your horses' jokes...
  8. http://metro.co.uk/2014/01/27/adnan-januzaj-took-student-on-date-to-nandos-in-tracksuit-bottoms-4278512/ footballer goes on date, newsworthy? although i did have a giggle at him being home by 9pm
  9. so only change for us is Everton, subject to the the FA cup, not too bad.
  10. Tortoise does seem to be the appropriate animal to describe the pace with which we play at times. And the mackem one shitting on the floor, before turning the other way and walking though it. perfect analogy of our league seasons really.
  11. 31?! I've been thinking his age had started to catch up with him for about 2/3 years now...
  12. We've dropped down to 25 in the Deloitte money league.
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