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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. The football World Cup will not be played in Qatar during the summer in 2022, Fifa secretary general Jerome Valcke has said. The tournament is now likely to be played during the winter months, said Valcke. "The dates for the World Cup (in Qatar) will not be June to July," he told Radio France. "To be honest, I think it will be held between November 15 and January 15 at the latest. "If you play between November 15 and the end of December that's the time when the weather conditions are best, when you can play in temperatures equivalent to a warm spring season in Europe, averaging 25 degrees.
  2. Just came in to post this, great to see someone so high profile come out, just a shame the game is still at a stage where it takes a lot of courage to come out.
  3. Would a Mackem/west ham final be the worst quality major final ever?
  4. Baffles me his lack of appearances this season, looked fine to good last season, needs playing time. Beyond belief.
  5. Apart from Taylor I see no problem with that. Or in other words, I like Mapoo
  6. Scrapping the academy ffs just look at the likes of Krul and Taylor and think how much they've saved us instead of buying someone else, even the Ameobi's. Then you've got the money the likes of Carrol and even Chopra have brought in.
  7. Ffp means fuck all untill the Europe places I think anyway.
  8. One thing that really annoyed me during this game (and in previous games) is Sissoko and debuchy's ability to do well down the right, get into a great crossing position, and there be no one in the box, there was one point where the two of them and Remy were all on the right wing and the closest person to attack the box was Anita standing on the edge of the box in line with the near post. I mean I like the bloke and everything, good footballer, but he couldn't win a header in a school full of midgets.
  9. U21s + Jonas playing tonight at Whitley Park. Free to season ticket holders and members, anyone going along? I'm currently undecided, might see how the weather is.
  10. Oh look mark Hughes blaming his defeat on the ref again, what a surprise.
  11. Great goal from Coleman. Didn't realise he was so cheap either.
  12. Voted 9th, think Southampton will overtake us but we should keep ahead of the rest.
  13. I think pretty much the opposite, bad performance, but well manage to grind out a point, I'm going for 1-1
  14. Can you give an example? Off the top of my head, you have the Steven Taylor incident. You then have things like the Andy Carroll incident where they were saying he was a gypsy and one national reporter said it was racist or something. Potentially, you have this Anelka incident. There are probably a lot more but I cannot be arsed to find them all... Stephen Taylor was pure ignorance, but footballers with their massive public profile need to know better Aye, they should no better. All I am getting at is to what degree though - like I wouldn't know what gestures might offend a Chinese person, or Italian, or whatever. Fair enough, I Would agree, but say if an english player had made the gesture Anelka did, I think it would be unreasonable to expect him to know that was an anti-Semitic gesture in France and wouldn't expect him to be punished for it, but he is going to be under scrutiny in his own country and is a part, however small, of representing the premier league brand in France and as much as I hate the idea of 'advertising' the league, one aspect I'd Like to see represented is our inclusive nature regardless of race/colour/religion.
  15. Can you give an example? Off the top of my head, you have the Steven Taylor incident. You then have things like the Andy Carroll incident where they were saying he was a gypsy and one national reporter said it was racist or something. Potentially, you have this Anelka incident. There are probably a lot more but I cannot be arsed to find them all... Stephen Taylor was pure ignorance, but footballers with their massive public profile need to know better
  16. On Hughes: shouldn't of been sent to the stand, but they way he acted was childish and pathetic, no one in such an important (and well paid) job but should act like that.
  17. Personally i'd be more pissed off at our player for needlessly giving the ref a decision to make, and his stupid comments to Cabaye after his first yellow Definatly didn't help. If he wasn't already on a yellow I think most people would agree he should of been booked for it, really annoys me how a player already on a yellow card gets more leniency than one not when it comes to dishing out a card.
  18. Anelka under investigation for his anti-Semitic celebration.
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