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Everything posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. Jesus Christ. Hughton. Are you for real? The blokes done fa wrong. He's an assistant manager for a reason - he can't manage a football club. Don't chase him away as well.
  2. This sort of collapsing should never ever happen to a "professional" team! None of the high earner first teamers are showing no guts or desire and no doubt our reserves or even the youth team would have done better! I'dbe glad if we just payout the remaining contracts of these few fuckers and start all over as I'm s*** scared of the opening day of the season... They haven't for years. And I reiterate, this was a meaningless friendly. Why should they put their necks on the line against Leyton Orient, when they know they have a long hard season ahead of them just 2 weeks away. Friendlies are all about getting 90 minutes of pitch time, not about pleasing the fans. If memory serves me correct, we've had good pre-seasons followed by shit starts in the league, and shit pre-seasons followed by good starts in the league.
  3. Dr.Spaceman

    Man City

    They'll not reach the champions league next season, thats for sure.
  4. It's a friendly. Why should we care any more about this result than the Shamrock Rovers result?
  5. I despise Liverpool as much as the next person, but I agree with them when they say he's burned all bridges with them. What a cock.
  6. Great signing for that amount Not really. You're Swedish, so your opinion on Norwegian players is invalid.
  7. Derek - Answer the cunt you daft bastard.
  8. What was the Sunderland team? How the fuck did they lose to Gateshead
  9. If the situation is as John Gibson says it is, then how the fuck does Llambias get away with those blatant lies about 2 bids over £100m having been made? And also, why the fuck would you lie like that? What a dick.
  10. I thought it was spelt 'lyk'?
  11. Imagine if he went to another championship team and got them promoted though. Fine by me, as long as we were to join them!
  12. I'd like it to be someone other than Shearer, so that he could go to another club if he really wants to be a manager. It would make watching that particular club as interesting as like watching a porno involving Kate Garraway and Andrew Castle on the GMTV sofa.
  13. He's in a critical condition at this present time in hospital. What a fucking nightmare.
  14. During puberty Is that the only way of being 99% sure?
  15. Arshavin isn't a bad player by any means, but to go that far is taking the piss.
  16. Dr.Spaceman

    A theory......

    Oh, it's like that is it? Well hold on while I fmop (fix my own post)
  17. Dr.Spaceman

    A theory......

    How can you all be sure Ashley is doing anything at all? I thought he put it all in the hands of his lackeys.
  18. Football is shit compared to what it used to be. Bring back the early to mid 90's please.
  19. Absolute shocker. And to think he's ginger as well. Get well soon big fella.
  20. Dr.Spaceman

    Joey Barton

    Booing him will do fuck all. Why make us look like mongs?
  21. Nope. It was partly their shit performances which took us down.
  22. Depends on wether Bellamy, Dyer and N'Zogbia fancied it.
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