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Everything posted by Wil

  1. For those who missed the callers, Talksport put all their programmes online for listening again.
  2. Think he really must have a medical condition for that pronunciation, otherwise its just ridiculous
  3. Deluded and incoherent that, Jesus Christ!!
  4. Absolutely incredible that he's shooting his mouth off like this
  5. Almost wondering if Ashley is secretly pissing himself with laughter about Kinnear shooting his mouth off at every opportunity and the consequent fallout these past 24 hours. He has never cared about the media's view of his business or the way that he runs it, clearly doesn't care about the fans either, and may very well be patting himself on the back for launching this particular grenade into club affairs as a way of what he may see as shaking things up from top to bottom. For me, this is his way of reasserting his authority over the club, and I just can't believe he's stupid enough not to know what the consequences of this decision would be. He's just not fucking bothered at all about what anyone thinks, as we already know too well.
  6. Have found myself reflecting on the soul of the club. Joe Harvey, Kevin Keegan, Sir Bobby Robson..... Fortunately that will remain when Ashley and his jokers are long fucking gone, which at the moment is all I find myself looking forward to really. It's all so incredibly ignorant - the lack of class, the lack of feel for the area, the total lack of knowing what they are holding in their hands. Our beautiful club in a state of total stagnation, in which there can be no possible progress or anything to look forward to, until they all simply fuck off out of it.
  7. If true its a complete and utter joke of a decision, and confirms us as a laughing stock. Want them all out now, but fear it's going to be a few years yet. No way back for them now though, if there ever was. Their motivation must be to put pressure on Pardew, examine his methods and decision making and report back to the board. That's all I can think of. I mean what would Kinnear possibly know about where the best players are, which is usually the main role of a DOF.
  8. Wouldn't be surprised if this is true. Had been resigned to him going this summer, there have been so many links. Was fantastic in his 1st year, but his head hasn't seemed right this year. Particularly disappointing after he was given the captaincy, though there's also many reasons why I wouldn't blame him wanting out. Depressing start to the summer, wish I had some confidence we'll use the money well to improve the team.
  9. Wil

    Kevin Keegan

    Unfortunately not able to watch the sky programmes, but he brought total class, pride and enthusiasm. He was a wonderful figurehead, I'd have to say equal to Sir Bobby which is saying something. And brought wonderful exciting football, just sublime some of it. Flaws yes, but haven't we all for Christ's sake. In 50 + years as a supporter he brought the best and most exciting times. I was never so proud as during those Keegan times. Whenever I hear him talk I know he truly loves the club and that does it for me every time.
  10. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    At least in his review there's some admission of a lack of entertaining football, which I hadn't really heard before.
  11. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Our only mobile threat up front - subbed. Our best defender - subbed. Makes absolutely no sense. The players must surely see this as well and be questioning what the fuck is going on. There has to be a basic trust and respect in the manager or there's just no chance of progress.
  12. Been an absolutely fantastic servant, he'll get a great send off I'm sure.
  13. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Thoroughly depressing if true. A real missed opportunity to progress the club with a quality manager and excite the fans going into a new season. Either misguided loyalty or they're not really bothered.
  14. Bit of a pipedream maybe, but I feel Benitez would be a great leader. Something the club really needs just now. He's got some class about him and seems to be very strong mentally, has a certain fearlessness which would transfer to the players.
  15. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Disgusting quotes, what a fucking loser. Not a leader you would want at your club at all. And completely unprofessional. What will the players think of that? Hopefully finally sealed his fate with Ashley. Just can't keep his mouth shut.
  16. Loved his attitude today, ran his fucking socks off. Could be a really key player for us next year, with some more prem experience under his belt.
  17. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Wonder if the talk of him wanting more (expensive) players in the squad next year with premier league experience, may mean that Ashley and Llambias do not regard him as such a good 'fit' after all.
  18. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Bit of a wan fucking smile from Ashley at the end there. Was surely shitting it like the rest of us. Can't believe he was impressed with that. Fuck stability Mike, do the right thing.
  19. Well if it wasn't for QPR we'd be down. Fuck me, what a shambles of a season.
  20. If his job really is on the line Pardew has to send us out to take them to the cleaners in the 2nd half in front of Ashley here.
  21. Thank fuck for Bosingwa!. A third from us and they're dead, hopefully we keep pushing for it.
  22. Going to try and conjure up some of my best positivity here. What a huge fucking game. Come on you lads!!
  23. Where's the justice in this fucking season? You know who will be mom as well. Fucking hell.
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