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Everything posted by Wil

  1. Just got a text from my son, been incommunicado tonight for the first time. Recommend it. Get the fuck in Swansea, what a team of fucking heroes!
  2. Wil


    Can't quite remember anything quite like we're experiencing just now. Each time we get a lift, it seems to be reversed, whether in our game or in other games. Almost as though it's inevitable. Talk about a rollercoaster. Completely ridiculous that we should be in this position with the squad we have. It's unbelievable, yet here we are, seemingly locked in. Find myself thinking ahead to the team we would have in the championship. Just by way of lowering expectations, so if we do survive it'll be a nice surprise. Christ, the tricks you play.
  3. Wil


    That win for Wigan v West Brom sets them up perfectly for their run in, wouldn't be surprised if that was in Martinez's thinking and why they really went for it. Tomorrow v Swansea he's got whoever he puts out scrapping for a place in the cup final lineup, a perfect motivation. Just can't see them not winning. Somehow bettering Norwich's results is the only realistic way I can see out of this.
  4. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Feels like we're just sleepwalking to relegation. Really quite noticeable that there's no sense of urgency at all coming from the interviews.
  5. Wil


    Desperate times, looking to Norwich rather than Wigan now
  6. Good 1st half, possession much better. If we can only keep it up we can take this.
  7. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Lee Ryder ‏@lee_ryder 11m AP on alleged dressing room split: "The accusation is an insult"
  8. Lets hope it helps fire the boys up for the run in. We need everything we can get. Edwards seems to have often gone for the sensationalist slant since he moved to the telegraph. The choice of the phrase juicy story says it all, as if fans want to read anything like that at this fucking stage of the season when so much is at stake.
  9. Think his heart will be in it, even his conscience after all that's happened. No doubts he'll give his all, just a question of whether his fitness will make him effective and help see us over the line. Feels like we're always clutching at some straw or other at the moment, but we desperately need every last drop Colo and Hatem can give us.
  10. It's Pardew, so can see it being (442) Elliott; Simpson, Colo, Taylor, Perch; Hatem, Cabaye, Tiote, Jonas; Shola, Cisse. Recent frenchies relegated to the bench. He'll go with the players he knows best imo.
  11. Wil


    On top of recent humiliations, just to even think that we might be relegated by Wigan after all that shite with them a few weeks ago. I mean.... no fans anywhere deserve that.
  12. Well, recent results are stacking up against us in such an unbelievably ridiculous way, I'm only left hoping that the fickle fate of football will deal us three points when we and everyone else are least expecting it, and somehow we'll survive this mess. I mean really, it's just too ridiculous for words at the moment. Never experienced anything quite like this
  13. Knew our stuffing would inspire Villa and Wigan, but this is ridiculous
  14. Wil

    Harry Redknapp

    Agree he's not the long term answer, but I'd take him for the last 3 games! Big bonus to keep us up etc....would suit Harry down to the ground, that. Madness I know, but I'm pretty fucking desperate, hopefully Ashley is as well!
  15. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Martinez post match all about 5 great matches coming up, fighting tooth and nail in every one of them etc. Our manager reflects on the lack of heart, fight, organisation, experience, confidence and a spiral of negativity etc. A troubling contrast, and with fuck all time to put things right.
  16. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Normally it would be fucking madness this close to the end of the season, but he's just got to go after this.
  17. Just no confidence we'll be set up right going into any game at the moment. Reduced to praying the likes of Hatem can save us.
  18. Fighting for our lives, and this is what the management puts out. It's a disgrace and an embarrassment.
  19. What a complete fucking shambles this is. Completely predictable that they should be on the front foot with that lineup. Fucking about at this time in the season is unforgiveable.
  20. Wil

    Papiss Cissé

    Been playing in pain, and been playing out of his fucking skin in terms of the effort he's been putting in. Love him.
  21. Wil

    Ryan Taylor

    Has always given 100% for the club, without fail. Gutted for him.
  22. If we wanted him and were willing to pay a decent salary (next years prem money could change the thinking on this) then I definitely think Rafa would consider coming here. He's apparently available, no compensation, and says he wants to work in this country, family settled etc. None of the champions league teams jobs are available and we're certainly a club with a big profile which no doubt would suit him. Just can't see Martinez, Apart from the Whelan connection there's also his statements over the Haidara incident which must have really got up the club's nose at the time. Can't see him working closely with Llambias somehow. Whereas Rafa and Llambias might be nicely combative behind the scenes, which seems to be the management style him and Ashley like!
  23. Wil


    I'm on a 7 at the moment. Given the repercussions on confidence of yesterday, with so few games to recover it's going to be really tight. I'm not convinced at the moment that we'll win any of them. Can see two or three draws though and just hope that's enough. The away games are all tricky. WBA can be dangerous and have no pressure, W Ham have the old boys factor, and QPR will be their last home game in the prem with nothing to lose and Redknapp firing them up. Both home games would be difficult at the best of times. Losing Krul is a real serious blow because he is a points saver. Left hoping that the likes of Hatem can do it for us, and relying on one of the other teams to crap out. It's a right sad fucking state of affairs.
  24. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    This result has to be a huge blow to the confidence of the dressing room. Whatever we think of him, Pardew can't fail to be knocked back by this. Somehow, somewhere, the players have got to come up with another 3 points, at least, with him or without him.
  25. Wil

    Alan Pardew

    Worst footballing day since relegation, for me anyway. And not much to look forward to either, just a scrape through to next season... Pardew and the players should be well fucking ashamed, ashamed of the performance and ashamed of the excuses. Can only hope Ashley feels something of this. Time for some drink.
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