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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Shame no ASM, hopefully just a minor injury
  2. Not too optimistic for a result against Norwich either, their fans and players will be up for it They seemed like they have ideas in attack and can pose a threat. Not to mention they will want to put the Liverpool result behind them. Still struggling to figure out what our plan was today, we weren't compact, we didn't outplay them, we had no plan. The entire team looked blunt and lost.
  3. We would have got something playing against an Arsenal side like today last season 100% The scoreline doesn't reflect how shit this game was and how shit we particularly were Longstaff looked absolutely nothing as expected today, totally not his usual self. Willems - how can a debutant be this asleep just after coming on, shocking.
  4. Shit manager with shit decisions and no plan. Shock.
  5. What in good lord is Grealish doing there. Casual as fuck
  6. This Palace Everton game has been utter shit
  7. How bang average are West Ham man...
  8. Ok, there is one. Beat me to it Although if you can be arsed you could look back through this mess of a thread and find a few who believe that is/was the case. (I'd personally rather shit in my hands and clap). I couldn't and I wouldn't. Seeing people hopeful of what is blatantly not happening as its gone longer day after day is depressing. Every passing day this has approached a period of time where it has made less sense for someone to come out with the public stuff that people associated to BZG have (deal done, welcome to premier league BZG and all that shit) for this to happen now. I sincerely hope I'm wrong and this goes through. Which of the recent events happening within NUFC suggest a takeover is about to happen? This ownership publicly stating search of a new manager surely can't be one? I don't read comic books. What reality is that? Because its been smoke and mirrors. Is this not the same group that were timewasters with Liverpool? What did they gain out of that besides publicity? Sorry chaps, I (we) have been hopeful in the past only to be let down and lied to, its all hard to believe - but I don't share your enthusiasm and hope and that is why I don't keep up with it to the extent that you do.I hope I am wrong, but i've stated why I think what I think above.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised if this is nothing but a PR stunt for BZG paid for to Ashley at just the right time before all the shit went down Come on lads, its been stinking of bullshit practically throughout.
  10. Have a Celtic supporting mate who is insisting this is a done deal based on some source who's always right who also predicted Rodgers "Announced on Monday" Would be disgusting to see Rafa at Celtic of all places Can't be right if meeting with our board hasn't happened yet..
  11. Draw written all over it. Not a ground we do very well at usually either.
  12. Bad season. Please focus and come back to your usual old self next year.
  13. Should have passed it to Rondon... Besides the point though.
  14. Not a fan of Warnock but have to say Cardiff deserve to stay up
  15. Amir_9

    The Title Race

    Why would anyone want Man City to win the league? Fuck that manufactured fake shit Liverpool have much in common with us as well as the players who have played for the both of our clubs / footballing working class city etc etc Besides, be fresh for the league to see someone else win it for a change once more
  16. Amir_9

    Joey Barton

    Met him briefly in Manchester once seemed nice enough. Not that this has anything to do with it. As for his footballing ability, like others have said when he was in good form he was a very important player for us, unfortunately this was only for a fraction of his time here.
  17. No pressure heading into this, would like to see Muto and Shelvey given a good amount of time on the pitch.
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