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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. I will love this kid forever, as frustrating as he can be sometimes. For what was paid for him, this lad has paid it back countless times.
  2. Hate to say this but nothing wrong with their goal at the time it game considering we had two subs very very late Having said that, that was a definite foul on Almiron. Gutted man, just as flukey as their win up here.
  3. Pretty s**** joke then. Not as bad as the football me (and you) are most likely going to be seeing though. Forgive me for not picking up on someone's (who I don't even know) sarcasm over the Internet if you won't forgive me for going to the match this one time here and there. Oh wait, you don't care about that. That's the "joke" I suppose, still shite. Anyway f*** it, gonna cuck outta this thread.
  4. I wouldn't expect anything less from anyone hiding behind a keyboard who thinks not going to a game but still watching it on the telly and discussing it on a message board is making a difference It's not like I'm a season ticket holder who buys all the merch. When I visit Newcastle every now and then, I will go support the team because I love the football club irregardless of the shit cancerous situation we find ourselves in If I were in a position able to go week in week out no I would not go. Claiming outright "continued financial support to Mike Ashley"... Jesus wept man
  5. Congratulations on being thick enough to not understand not all of us are from up here so when I get a chance to rarely go to support the club after not being able to for a while, I will go. You can sit around on an Internet forum like plenty like you moaning and groaning yet you'll still watch the game on the telly only difference being between you and me I've given away £30 more than you but the same amount of time, like the rest of you who complain about the same thing. Why are our support so thick sometimes? You want Mike Ashley to go? It'll take more than not just going to a match from my and your end. What's the "continued" aspect besides you assuming s***. What has where you are from got to do with going to the gamss or not? What is asking to go to a game got to do with "continued financial support". I'm not a season ticket holder or owt, I had to clarify my stance when an absurd comment like that is made.
  6. Congratulations on being thick enough to not understand not all of us are from up here so when I get a chance to rarely go to support the club after not being able to for a while, I will go. You can sit around on an Internet forum like plenty like you moaning and groaning yet you'll still watch the game on the telly only difference being between you and me I've given away £30 more than you but the same amount of time, like the rest of you who complain about the same thing. Why are our support so thick sometimes? You want Mike Ashley to go? It'll take more than not just going to a match from my and your end. What's the "continued" aspect besides you assuming s***.
  7. Why? Because I'd rather be at the match than on an internet forum on this specific evening of which I have nothing better to do lol
  8. Can make it to this now, if anyone can't go, let me know i'll buy their ticket
  9. We won't go down, not because of what we can do but more so how shit 3-4 other teams are
  10. Poundland FC managing limited ability players and being annoyingly cautious for many people's liking to ensure goal difference isn't too bad at end of season ... and repeat. Feel for the guy.
  11. The charisma and talent on this lad As been said before miles better than any of the others we have. Its a disgrace to even compare. I apologise Dubz
  12. My stance on him won't ever change Limited player that has more than paid back what was paid for him. Typifies what the realistic quality is at this club for his position
  13. Thick fuck Honestly, he has been tremendous for us generally but where the fuck was he today? Concentration and basic fucking defending man all that was needed today
  14. Lascelles can go fucking do one, channeling the fucking spirit of Danny Simpson there Both goals on him
  15. Emery doing a great job with Arsenal We couldn't rely on Wenger to get result against our rivals last few years
  16. I think this might be a draw or a lucky win Would like to see Shelvey and Muto feature at some point instead of Joselu and Perez
  17. Great point, away from home as well Surprised didn't see Shelvey play second half though
  18. Don't particularly know what the tactic is with that lineup I don't see where our attacking threat comes from this
  19. I hate this lot. One of the teams I dislike the most in this division. Exes dad was a massive Evertonian, she was scouse Dude never liked me because of my ethnicity, never met me once. Sadly probably won't beat them this time. Cunt.
  20. At no point should anyone forget how much we bought this lad for and how hes already paid back that fee many times in the past Having said that, the consistency at the highest level is just not there from this guy.
  21. Oko dokko He's right though. Certainly doesn't mean we wouldn't have lost but Manquillo and Atsu really should not be anywhere near the pitch At no point during this game did I go “oh yeah this is all due to manquillo and atsu.” Today exposed the Ashley regime for what it is, a wheelbarrow held together by duct tape, wobbly wheels, filled with cheap dollar store tat, given to Rafa to maneuver to the top of the Himalayas. I understand our squad are a limited average bunch but at what point have the likes of Atsu or Manquillo ever done anything remotely positive anytime as of late? This is not their sole responsibility but they arguably offer very little compared to other options at Rafa's disposal.
  22. Oko dokko He's right though. Certainly doesn't mean we wouldn't have lost but Manquillo and Atsu really should not be anywhere near the pitch
  23. I'm not overly fussed by this, Rondon seems like hes the perfect physical presence that Rafa requires up top Mitrovic was pants for us. You can argue all the reasons in the world, for the amount of games he played for us and the return that was provided from him, it was more than warranted to sell.
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