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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. People forget that a part of it was also a panic buy to weaken Burnley (who ended up buying the Dutch Chris Wood instead) in the relegation battle as we activated his release clause, rather than a long term investment, he was always a short term pawn.
  2. Problem is we don't have the personnel (injuries/enough top class players to pick from generally) to get away with playing the same exact style week in week out expecting it to go our way and we put them all to the sword. As by this point with all the injuries we have, we done it with more or less the same exact players it has become rather predictable. I feel teams have sussed out these passes to Almiron and Gordon. All of this is now starting to show but also is a huge testament to how long they were able to pull it off with the calibre of opposition and frequency of games along the way, so fair play to them. When you have the likes of Almiron, Longstaff and Burn etc you have to expect limitations or downright bad performances without consistent quality in depth to pick from just yet. Then you have the back line which has regressed unfortunately with the Botman injury and Pope injury not have helped and Trippier's recent problems. This is probably why it wouldn't hurt Howe to adopt a pragmatic and a more balanced approach to rely on in certain games or when certain players are missing until we have much less injuries.
  3. To be honest with you although it would be nice to get a win against them again by this point it's like trying to get one over an ex who is in a sad current state of saggy tits, bad teeth and a drug problem. Even if they win these are destined to be shit for quite the time to come going by their recent trajectory.
  4. Hold absolutely nothing against him and wish him well for the rest of his career. He contributed to his best ability here and done what was asked of him. I don't think he was best suited to our system but he did his job in the end.
  5. Amir_9

    Dan Burn

    This is no surprise, I cannot believe how long we played him as a fullback (and yes I take into consideration that he did just okay in this position when asked for the most part). Can't fault his love for the club and the cause, he has certain solid attributes for a mid-upper half (6th-9th) Premier League level but I don't think he should be anything other than a substitute center back.
  6. I didn't mean this forum, I meant from the neutrals and YouTube "pundits" See this moronic video:
  7. He really needs to go above and beyond next year otherwise you're potentially looking at one of the worst signings in the club's history. Not saying that is the case now but it could turn out that way and I hope it doesn't.
  8. Fuck me the usual yoootooob fuckwits out in full force chatting shit And I ain't saying the man deserves zero criticism but it has to be fair, reasonable and taking full context into consideration.
  9. He's had a tremendous purple patch but is now showing the levels of frustration we had with him prior to that extended run of form. Honestly his decisions in the box and his complete and utter one footedness is something that I don't think will ever change, which is why he needs replaced as a first teamer ASAP.
  10. He is risking going out with a whimper at this rate and I feel for him because I don't know if he has enough players to execute a plan B or different style of play with this run of fixtures and current injuries. Think as others have said it will get worse before it gets better and its really downt o PIF if they wish to stick with him or not.
  11. Injuries, fatigue, mentally/physically tired etc whatever you want to call it - yes it all plays a part but you can't excuse losing to 18th place and 17th place in consecutive games. Think the ownership will start to give ultimatums now.
  12. Love you Eddie but its time you figure out an alternative style of play and quick because we are now insanely predictable
  13. I know fatigue and tiredness has been the words used recently but fuck me we look so predictable and all figured out today.
  14. Emery is the more accomplished and experienced manager at the top level for sure but for one reason or another didn't come here in the end and I don't think Villa will be willing to let him go anytime soon. Even at the point if/when this club decides to replace Howe next year (if that happens). I hope it doesn't come to that because like the majority of people I hope this is all a lesson learnt for Eddie and I hope he is the one to continue his good work so far and improve on it.
  15. Find the Emery/Howe debate a bit pointless. Howe finished above Emery last year and beat him 5-1 this year so on a head to head Howe can beat an Emery side If you look at it outside of just head to head, Emery is the more experienced and accomplished manager at the top level but this does not mean Howe doesn't have the nous to get himself to a level even higher than what he's accomplished for us so far. As others have said, the situation we find ourself in should not be the end for Howe but it may very well be if it is repeated and not learnt from and addressed properly next season. If Villa qualify for Champions League lets see how their domestic season plays out next year, and in fact lets how their domestic season ends up playing out this year. They might still finish 5th rather than top 4. My hope is (just like many others here) Howe wins us many things and becomes the best manager he can be during his time year.
  16. Still confident he will take us to 6th this year with players coming back from injury and hopefully some additions in January. Man United, Brighton and West Ham are just as capable of dropping points. The concern for him shouldn't be now but it should be if this same situation happens again next season or in the future as I think this will be the one and only time he is afforded this lesson. Of course not all of it is entirely his fault.
  17. I don't even think they shithoused it or anything as you'd expect from a newly promoted team but you can argue they deserved something out of the game today and rightly so (draw or win) As for us - not having the likes of Barnes, Tonali, and Joelinton or even Murphy today to pick from really you can see the impact.
  18. We got smalltimed as fuck here To not even nick a draw out of this would be very bad. The likes of Tonali and Barnes missing for all these games etc definitely played a part.
  19. Bruno what is that composure with his shots man
  20. Same, hoping its not one of those galvanised for our captain who just had a heart attack level of spirited performance from Luton
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