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Everything posted by Rosenrot

  1. Charnley gannin' radge over Zoom?
  2. Love the drama, not going to lie.
  3. Anyone know what the reaction in Spain has been like?
  4. There's already talk of the Grand National being delayed due to Prince Philip dying. I really hope there's no domino effect with Football matches also being cancelled, including Fulham vs Wolves...
  5. Man our fanbase is full of negative tw*ts. If you don't want to donate, then don't. It isn't hard.
  6. I simply can't fathom why this guy is still in a job. Although I can't fathom why he was ever appointed in the first place.
  7. That was one of the best games I've ever been to. The atmosphere at the end and throughout the game, despite the relegation, was incredible.
  8. Not enough positive optimism in this thread right now
  9. Well, I'm sold. I'm now firmly on the "it's definitely happening" train. Choo choo.
  10. Let us know if you can hear Super Nick shouting from the stands.
  11. So Nick liked a tweet from NCSL calling Nick a 'top man'......Sorry Im not following the dots........... He means, look at what tweets NCSL have been liking.
  12. Not on the basis of the club statement, which makes it very clear that it's arbitration, which is a dispute resolution process, rather than a process of seeking damages. That suggests that the deal is still very much alive. You have to show the court that you've engaged in ADR in good faith otherwise they do not take very kindly to your case. It's a necessary part of the litigation process.
  13. Why would any Newcastle fan want the League Cup to be scrapped? It's one of only two trophies we could ever realistically have a chance of winning Because it's shit.
  14. MBS was probably dancing around his living room chanting "fuck Mou" after that goal. Takeover definitely back on now. Thanks VAR.
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