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Everything posted by nufcjb

  1. nufcjb

    Papiss Cissé

    http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/534929_336341539758837_100001489826478_1000552_1375187406_n.jpg THIS IS EPIC!!!
  2. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s320x320/539428_3351808806740_1614499057_2721569_1172135542_n.jpg Ben ARfa's having a laugh!!!
  3. I think our players did not want to shoot against Jose Enrique coz they did not want to embarass their friend..if it was Suarez is differents story..sure everyone will shoot!
  4. Loved that Re-Wired background music to go with that image of Pardew looking smart in thise glasses..
  5. I personally hope Pardew sets the team mindset to make the opposition worry about us rather than us being worried of them. Its been a long time since these lot came to us and we look to have the upper hand. A draw would be a good results but the mindset must be to go for the win
  6. Thought Guthrie's passing has been off in the past two games honestly. Not every pass but he definitely misplaced some passes more than others.
  7. yup. true that. well I guess we'll see how the crowd reacts to him on Sunday. Dont think many will remember Jose's opinion at that time was the same as most people. What chant will Jose get on Sunday I wonder?
  8. Im not against any of our players leaving but reality really smacks Jose in the face when he comes out speaking his mind and actually saying the negative things. Even if he was 'caring' for the club with his comments against the board, you cant predict anything in football. Yes he can say what he wants about the board but when you go out and under-rate the club and the players still there, I think you're being a bit too arrogant.
  9. I seriously am pupmed up for this game. Us being where we are and with the comments of some of this weekend's opposiyion players saying we would never be where we are, it just gets me going. Really hope a sold out SJP will be noisy and intimidating. Would be a shame if we aren't going to make the most of the sold out crowd. The atmosphere of the Man Utd game on that cold wintery January night should be replicated. And stuffing these lot would just be as sweet!
  10. Nice that .com has put out the Jose Tweet from last year where he said he will never challenge for a top 6 place again with our policy of selling the club's best player. They then showed the table with us in 6th and them below us. At least it reminds some of us what he said and what we have defied this season.. Come to think of it, were the players we sold, our 'best'? Including you Jose? you and Carroll have won the mickey mouse cup but still in 7th place, Nolan's hardly the big star of the Championship as he was with us and Joey is still Joey albeit with a different relegation threatened side.
  11. Shame we wont be able to see the ABC Triangle for this one..Arfa-Ba-Cisse!!!
  12. nufcjb

    Alan Pardew

    People can knock him for his tactics but never knock him for his enthusiasm and passion for the team and the club.. He was absolutely brilliant in in keeping the crowd going right until the end.. Still remember at the home game against Spurs when he was heard saying 'well done lad..Ur f***ing immense' or something like that to Tiote down at the touchline..a great motivator I say
  13. Would love if Owen was on tonight.. That would make SJP sing one greedy bastard.. Gigss is getting it tonight though
  14. nufcjb

    St James' Park

    You can still see the northern rock logo underneath the new sponsor in high def..just saw it on Santon's shirt
  15. Andy Cole absolutely plonked himslef on MUTV just a few minutes ago..he said we picked up Demba Ba for 9 million quids..and when Pallister corrected him, he looked absolutely trolled!!! Haha
  16. Hte it every time he has the ball and then does the body language saying 'who to ass to?'..he'll then lose the ball making his mind up
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