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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. Foden is obviously a very good player, but he's not a very good winger especially one staying wide, isolated and not getting in the game at all. In that role Sterling is better though he cant finish so maybe that's why he's not playing. Foden needs to be more central and much more involved.
  2. Not so sure that this playing with no CF and nobody in the middle will work against a team as good as PSG, who are also having plenty of possession. Maybe Guardiola has over thought this again.
  3. PSG way better than MC so far.
  4. Chelsea are absolutely unwatchable. Boring as fuck.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but basically they want to replace the Champions League with the ESL so firstly they are guaranteed to be in it every year and secondly to make more money. At the same time they want to remain in their domestic leagues but not play in the mid week cup competitions or play their reserve teams. They won't have to be particularly competitive or successful in their own leagues as the position they end up won't have any bearing on qualifying for anything as they already have, presumably even if they got relegated. This is obviously very much owner driven, billionaires already, just wanting more money. Don't expect much kick back from managers and players they will all be getting more money one way or another. So will the PL, the other domestic leagues, EUFA and FIFA call their bluff and kick them out? My money is on a resounding no, there will be some kind of public peace offering and the rich clubs will have just negotiated and got more money and power.
  6. The reality is we are absolutely shite, 10 man WHU are all over us, and there is one goal back. Fucking pathetic.
  7. Still wouldn't bank on us winning, certainly we have no interest in trying to keep the ball, so its whether all the possession they have will lead to anything or will we get them on the counter. Then again they can just keep giving us goals.
  8. WBA look really good. Good job big Sam hadn't the balls to go after us when they played us.
  9. We deserve to get relegated and I hope we do, a month or so ago I thought we would but Fulham have turned so shit recently I think we'll just about stay up. And then another season of stinking up the league with the fat oafs owning and managing the club. Can't wait.
  10. Fulham are stinking of impending relegation more than we are, after watching them collapse just now I'm leaning towards up staying up and having another season of Bruce's boys in the 1st division. Can't wait.
  11. I've been impressed with Murphy today, he's troubling his full back, can beat a man and has a nice cross.
  12. Eintracht Frankfurt's Dutch defender Jetro Willems, 27, and Crystal Palace's English winger Andros Townsend, 29, could both be returning to Newcastle this summer. (Chronicle)
  13. Serbia's second goal against Portugal is a thing of beauty. Portugal looked like they had won it at the end but the referee decided the ball wasn't over the line, not sure if they have the goal line technology in these games.
  14. Ritchie called him a coward? Aye. There was literally a whole piece by Hope saying a sizeable group of the squad 'don't trust him and don't like him'. Hope definitely has an agenda and that piece was his reaction to getting banned. Nobody else reported it. There is nothing to stop a player publicly criticizing the owner, club, manager, other players if he wants, it's not a sackable offence and they will still get paid. Might not get selected and pick up their win bonus though!!
  15. Away Toon


    I sense IMO he's fucking useless and Bruce's only culpability is that he keep picking the lazy talentless twat.
  16. Not a hope in hell will there be new owners if we are relegated. Why do people keep posting made up shite with such certainty? In your opinion, probably, possibly etc. but don't be so certain over something you have no fucking idea about.
  17. Maybe you would like to elaborate on where the shite that you have written above comes from? Didn't think so.
  18. Away Toon

    Isaac Hayden

    I give up You should give up if you think Hayden is a good player. He won't look particularly good in the 2nd division when he's still playing for us next season.
  19. Why are people trying to give credit to random players that they would like to think are against Bruce and want him sacked? It's based on nothing, no proof, not even rumours. Not one of them has publicly said anything critical of Bruce, Ashley or the Club. If it's true as reported that they don't have relegation clauses in their contracts you can pretty much guarantee they don't give a fuck. The good ones (relatively speaking as they are all various degrees of shit) will get transfers elsewhere.
  20. This one of the better insults I've seen for a while.
  21. You can see why Brighton are down near the bottom as their finishing looks very indecisive. Apart from that so far they are a million times better than us.
  22. I can see us finishing 17th which will seriously piss me off. Another season of Steve Bruce stinking up the premier league surely nobody can stomach that.
  23. This theory is based on the sweet total of fuck all.
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