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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. Away Toon


    Henderson started in 21 games (out of 38) in the premier league, Wijnaldum started in 32.
  2. Away Toon


    You can't pick a bunch of reserve premier league players who are not good enough to start for their clubs and expect to win at the highest level. Delph, Stones, Lingard, Barclay, Walker (soon will be), even Henderson is not starting when Liverpool are at full strength. Southgate is seriously overrated.
  3. Does anyone have a relatively simple answer to how much money the new owners (if we get them) would be able to invest in the club without running into issues with FFP?
  4. Imagine being a journalist and the Sun beat you to a major football story. Time to retire.
  5. Me too, until Ashley leaves who gives a flying fuck who the manager is.
  6. If Ashley is not selling the club I want Rafa to leave as quickly as possible and Pardew to come back. Then burn the fucker to the ground.
  7. Wanker Barcelona fans booing Coutinho. Gillipollas.
  8. 6000 tickets each in a 68,700 seat stadium, fuck me but that's disgusting.
  9. Smith admitted in an interview that by the time we signed him he was fucked from the injuries he had had. I seem to remember that at the time we knew how badlt he had been injured. Geremi as well, we were told by whoever his manager was that his legs had gone but we bought him anyhow.
  10. Away Toon

    Isaac Hayden

    It was a great game for the fans to end the season on [at home]." Fuck that, we lost.
  11. I can live with Man City winning the league and Liverpool the Champions League
  12. If we want to improve going forward we need better footballers and defenders than Lascelles. Sell.
  13. I reckon they did, all three goals were very badly defended, you cant expect to not get beaten playing like that.
  14. Ki and Atsu our best players, I'm not sure what that tells us.
  15. If you defend like this you deserve to lose, three years Rafa and his team have had to sort this out.
  16. Despite having a decent defensive record this season we are actually pretty shit at most of the basics of defending.
  17. If Rafa stays, Ashley stays, if he goes, maybe just maybe that might end in Ashley selling up and going. I would rather Ashley goes than Rafa stays.
  18. The worst thing at this point is if Rafa comes to any kind of compromise with the bastards, another season of watching us struggle to beat even the worst teams in the league will be just another wasted season, none of us are getting any younger and it would be nice at some point if we actually tried to compete and win something.
  19. It's difficult to imagine why Rafa is even considering for a second to continue at the club. He knows how Ashley and the thumb run the club, nothing is substantially going to change. He should just announce they have failed to come to an agreement and get himself another job.
  20. Disappointedly Conservative the BBC described us in the second half. I hate seeing us playing like this, so negative and hanging on against fucking Brighton. I won't miss Rafa setting us up like this and conceding all the possession in most of the away games. Tin helmet on.
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