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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. From that miserable list, I'd probably have Bruce, even though I'm pretty sure he's going to be useless.
  2. I know a forum is all about opinions so here is a summary of mine, I think the majority of posters on here maybe agree with most of them, the general support especially the match going fan less so. NUFC is not a sporting institution and hasn't been since MA bought us. We operate on a purely commercial level, the priority is to make money and advertise Sports Direct. The owner is not interested in improving the club from a sporting perspective, not interested in striving to improve, not interested in backing a manager, not interested in success or winning anything, just survival to keep on the premier league and sky gravy train. New players are bought as commodities to try to make a profit after a couple of seasons, not because the manager wants them. Why are we apparently buying Joelinton and not Rondon, not because the Brazilian will score more goals that's for sure. What can we do? Well a boycott is a start and not just the Arsenal game. Low crowds as well as the loss in revenue will be an embarrassment to Sky and at some point they will let Ashley know. However we don't want MA to suddenly see the light, we want him to sell the club. Although in general facts are always not quite as black and white as we would like them to be, there are enough facts now to realise that MA will not sell the club while we are in the premier league and he is making money and taking it out of the club as well as getting free advertising for his tat shop. Being relegated and coming straight back up has made no difference either. So the solution imo, is relegation and a sustained period in the Championship, it will cost MA money and he loses the free advertising which is the only reason he still owns the club. Then he will lower his asking price to something reasonable and maybe we can get sold. Steve Bruce is maybe not as unlikable as Pardew, but I hope he is a complete failure, I hope the new players especially are a flop and lose value, and I hope we get relegated and beat Derby's miserable points record. Burn it all to the ground, until he sells the club and we can all start again.
  3. What a complete dick Shelvey is. Slags off Rafa, claims Bruce has changed the formation although all he did was revert back to the way we played all last season under Rafa, and then claims Bruce has made a massive difference. Wanker.
  4. "He is a lot different to Rafa," Shelvey told Sky Sports. "With Rafa, you never knew what he was thinking. Personally, I would rather have someone who talks to you and you know what they are thinking." "Steve has come in and changed the formation, and after two days we looked a lot more comfortable," Shelvey added. "I think we thoroughly deserved to win. "When a new manager comes in training goes up a couple of notches and everyone is busy and looking to impress. "He has made a massive difference. He is constantly talking to you and that is what you want."
  5. I was hoping Milan would take Schaar.
  6. Away Toon


    The club was just as irrelevant under Rafa as it is under Bruce. And Rafa apparently didn't want him so your question is completely irrelevant.
  7. All he had to say was that he hadn't been coached by Steve Bruce so couldn't judge him on his ability, but that he was looking forward to listening to his ideas, he certainly didn't have to say he was a great manager. He could have said that everyone could look at Bruce's record to see what kind of manager he is (pretty fucking useless) but subtlety, wit and intelligence is well beyond these fuckers.
  8. The players could try just telling the truth, they are not obligated to continually big up the owner, the manager, the club etc.
  9. It will be similar to Arsenal, attendance is always around 60k even when the stadium is half empty.
  10. I’m laughing at our spending compared to Aston Villa/Fulham/Everybody else It won't be funny when we get relegated. It will be funny when we get relegated. We deserve to get relegated irrespective of how much we spend and hopefully we won't come back up. (until Ashley no longer owns the club)
  11. You mean you are not out already? What the fuck is wrong with you?
  12. So apparently Rafa asked for 8m a year potentially rising to 9.5m with bonuses. Where would that have put him in comparison with other managers in the Premier league?
  13. Much better and more ambitious club than us.
  14. Even Rafa couldn't turn Yedlin into a decent defender and footballer. He is fast though.
  15. We knew Hayden was going, Fernandez is good but a back-up and not that bothered about Dubravka. Schar would be a shame, though. Why wouldn't you be bothered about losing Dubravka? It's posts like this that make you worry about the future of our great club and the ability or lack of it of the supporters who are the only people who can do something about Ashley. In case my answer isn't clear enough, it doesn't matter which players stay or leave, which manager joins or doesn't, the place needs destroying until Ashley sells up.
  16. I have the misfortune (though it is good for business) to work indirectly with lots of these rich fuckers many worth a lot more than fat ash. It's no longer about the money at a certain point, it's about the game, doing the deal and thinking you've won, it's gambling, brinkmanship, one upmanship, that's what interests them. Virtually all cunts in my experience.
  17. The Leibniz Caramel is indeed truly magnificent. However Liebniz the company have historically been misbehaving in the past, which slightly ruins the taste.
  18. Well nothing is happening with the takeover so I suppose this is all fair game. Bonne Maman biscuits in general are way ahead of all that Brexit crap you have to eat back in the UK.
  19. This is what should happen but it won't. Clubs no longer have supporters they have customers, and the customers have put up with 12 years of Ashley, JFK, Pardew and lots of other fuckwits, and the crowds have stayed solid, with a little bit of booing and posturing from time to time. Let's face it we aren't Liverpool or Rangers or even West Ham for fucks sake, they would never have put up with this shit.
  20. No doubt Ashley would love to hold on to NUFC for a lot longer but unfortunately for him he has painted himself into a corner whereby he simply has to sell this summer. The reasons for this are two-fold....firstly he is haemorraging cash from his other business interests and secondly he has a manager of NUFC who cannot be replaced without the whole club imploding in a manner not seen before in its entire history. If Ashley is a smart gambler then he knows all of this and also realises that now is the time to walk away from the table. He has got his money back, made a tidy profit and had 12 years of exposure for his tatty brand. If he stays at the table then his asset will turn to dust over the next 12 months and wont ever recover while he is the owner. "he has a manager of NUFC who cannot be replaced without the whole club imploding in a manner not seen before in its entire history." I'm not sure that many people believe the above. In an ideal world for sure Ashley should suffer for his dreadful ownership, but even after mismanaging the club for 12 years and been relegated twice, he's still the owner of a profitable advertising vehicle for Sports Direct. If Rafa doesnt sign the contract he's alledgedly been offered, he'll be replaced by someone else and SJP will remain pretty much sold out. If the new manager turns out to be an idiot we'll probably get relegated again, something that seems to be no more than a minor inconvenience to the fat man.
  21. Why? Knows Rafa is leaving and Ashley isn't selling? Seriously I have no idea what is his best position is, apart from it's definitely not where we have been playing him. He needs to be constantly involved in the game so probably through the middle somehow.
  22. We are very unlikely to be signing anyone until we know whether there will be new owners or not and have a manager for the new season.
  23. Away Toon

    Women's Football

    I don't think we are allowed to have good things anymore.
  24. For what it's worth, my best bet is that they've agreed on the fee for the club as stated in the press release, but everything is now bogged down with extracting the club from the relationship it has with Sports Direct, which I'm sure Ashley is very reluctant to do.
  25. What thing is pretty much certain and that is if the club doesn't get sold and Rafa leaves, apart from a bit of angst on some forums, nothing will happen that concerns Ashley, as SJP will be sold out for the first game of the season irrespective of who the manager is.
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