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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. I would have thought the squad we have this season would be slightly better than last season's, Ki, Rondon, Fernandez, Schar, Muto should be upgrades on what we already had. Although other clubs have obviously strengthened as well there is no way that Rafa is getting anything like as much out of this years lot than last season's. Not sure why but I'll be very surprised if we don't go down this year.
  2. There is no sign that the version of Rafa we have is particularly good at all. Style of football, results, improving players all big negatives.
  3. Agree with this, there is no excuse for the abhorrent football we play even if the players are shit. Pay Howe 6million a year and we'd be more entertaining and more successful. Rafa staying here is a huge problem on so many levels now.
  4. Rafa doesn't seem to be a great believer in giving youth a chance, which with the diabolical state of most of our players is pretty strange really.
  5. The only players that Rafa has bought and presumably wanted that stand out are Murphy and Muto who are pretty much the most expensive players we have bought recently, and either they were rotten buys, Rafa didn't really want them or someone has fucked up badly. For me they should be starting every game.
  6. Away Toon

    Mikel Merino

    Our fans indeed. Spanish mercenary who didn't want to sign in the first place and jumped ship throwing the toys out of the pram as he sulked off back to Spain, or local lad? Pretty easy choice there I would have thought.
  7. Away Toon

    Mikel Merino

    There is a lot of revisionism about this useless slow shit heap of a player, much rather have Longstaff playing, at least he wants to.
  8. A bunch of vulture capitalists just interested in trying to make some money might be better than Ashley, but fuck me that's setting the height of the bar extremely low.
  9. Love the way that half the posters on here have decided that Lascelles is now shit after lauding him up and bitching he wasn't playing for England. He's just not very good, never has been, he's committed for sure but limited on the ball, pretty slow and just not a very good defender.
  10. I'm not sure Kenedy is shite but like pretty much all of our players he's not very good. He certainly will never be a regular at Chelsea, I'm sure they are very keen to sell him.
  11. I presume you aren't really fuming, because nobody in their right mind gives a fuck about Mike Ashley's NUFC.
  12. Without some serious investment in January I don't think we are good enough to stay up by our own endeavors. This doesn't mean we will get relegated as we can still finish higher than three really shit teams. Trouble is apart from Cardiff who we are probably better than, I'm not sure who the other two are. Southampton will surely bin off Hughes so they might improve, Huddersfield are enterprising and have a good manager, Fulham have Mitrovic, so who does that leave?
  13. if we keep winning and picking up points I doubt there will be many more protests or a successful boycott at the Wolves game. The only way Ashley leaves is if we sink, HTT is right, this thing has to burn to the ground before someone can try and rebuild it.
  14. The only one I recognise is Harry, though what that says about me or the rest of the supposed celebrities I'm not sure.
  15. Such a non Newcastle signing because we've got no fucking ambition. Nasri would improve us no end.
  16. Away Toon

    Ki Sung-gone

    Literally the only thing Shelvey does well is hit long passes and he can only do that from the quarterback position that he likes to play. Anywhere else on the pitch is going to be too crowded and he doesn't do short pass and move.
  17. Well it would require a personality transplant which after 11 years seems unlikely, plus we would have to start trying to be the best club we can be, ambitious and competent. Even then Ashley will still be a cunt, quite simply because he is.
  18. If Rafa signs a new contract without a whole raft of guarantees, budget, control over the buying and selling of players, training ground and stadium investments and improvements, the state of the academy etc. it will be an absolute disaster for our version of NUFC and the green light for Ashley to stay as long as he likes.
  19. One of the girls I worked with was in a small two person helicopter that crash landed in Florida firstly onto a house roof and then they slid off onto a parked car, both her and the pilot walked out virtually untouched. Two weeks before I was up in the same chopper with the same pilot sight seeing over Fort Lauderdale. Never again, I just don't believe they are safe and when they go wrong that's normally it. As someone said earlier flying in planes is alright, it's boring though and unless you can afford to fly in the front it's a pretty horrible experience now.
  20. We got to the final in 1976 and actually played quite well compared with the 74 cup final. I remember my ticket cost £100 which was a fortune at the time.
  21. I'm not sure we will get anywhere the kind of money we think we might for Lascelles although he's linked with Chelsea and Spurs this morning in the Chronicle. They cant have been watching him play this season.
  22. It's actually short term that we need to be relegated, this season will do, and then we need to stay down until the lack of revenue and ongoing protests persuade Ashley to sell at a reasonable price. There is no point at all in us continuing to be in the premier league if it's to struggle like this every season, play horrible football to boot, irrespective whether Rafa stays or not. I'm convinced Ashley will not sell us while we remain on the premier league gravy train.
  23. Not really, Fernandez looks better. Lascelles has a lot of limitations that are never going away.
  24. Unless there is something in his contract that prevents him from speaking his mind, he can definitely say he thinks the owner should sell the club to someone who can come in and help us realise our potential. What's Ashley going to do, sack him?
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