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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Is it safe to say ESPN will be showing all our group games?...
  2. Just seen the new iMac... Very pretty...
  3. 3 Loses out of 3... Looking like CL journey is over... Struggling in the league a little... Wonder if we will go back in for him in Jan...
  4. We'll need to play better than the last few times down there... Can see us loosing Tbh... We've been very poor this season so far...
  5. Quite a few of the derbies currently being shown on ESPN classic... Might not want to tune into the current one mine...
  6. LFEE


    Nope... Or a publicist etc...
  7. Anyone else think he's lost another yard of pace this season or has he been struggling with an injury all Pre-season?...
  8. LFEE

    Shola Ameobi

    http://twitter.com/69Kazz/status/257972697655541760/photo/1 Just found this on twitter for all you Shola fans...
  9. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Cherry picker at the ground now... SD signs coming down as I type...
  10. LFEE

    Players in public

    Captain Colo at the Royal Quays Soccerdome this morning with his kids... Happily posed for photos with friends...
  11. LFEE


    The Irish keeper Westwood had a look of Darren Anderton about him there...
  12. Fletcher seemed to come from a mile offside to flick on from the goal unless I'm seeing things...
  13. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Not sure if already been mentioned in this thread or others but have you noticed when the club is going to do something possibly deemed unpopular they always pick the start of an international break to announce it allowing the outcry to subside in time for next match...
  14. Not going myself so not read that much about the finer details but I've been asked my friend if he can use my membership number and passport number if the points drop... But i can't see how it will help him if they are doing the proper checks ref travel etc... Anyone agree?
  15. LFEE


    Was speaking to a Mackam at work who actually stewards all the away fans for a lot of years... Reckons the view is good in the new area though its proved a bit of a nightmare having Sunderland fans directly below the away area though they are leaving around 5 rows empty for our game... Also said interestingly that the gangways and access points are very narrow compared to the old area and not suitable... Reckons they are opening up the turnstiles 11.30am for our section to get people in earlier... Also mentioned that Liverpool fans are notoriously late for turning up...
  16. If ball strikes arm = no penalty... If arm moves towards direction ball is travelling in = penalty... The simple difference between non-deliberate and deliberate handball... The rule... Just no one seems to understand it... Especially modern day refs... Fans... Players... Pundits... Quite scary...
  17. It's worrying when an ex-professional can't even decide that the penalty decision was wrong... "There's his arm down the right side..." Eh that would be his right arm... Where else can he put it...
  18. Bernt Schuster has applied for the job according to TS...
  19. Thomas Cook will never be far from going under... The industry is in a mess... You'd be ABTA protected though i'd guess...
  20. Just purchased around 60 stores...
  21. £10 tickets apparently to get it to near capacity. It's almost as though some common sense has been used. It'll never catch on! Not sure if they still do it but Arsenal used to include some of their home cup games in as part of the season ticket price...
  22. Seems to play with his hands in his pockets... Good technique but needs to show more urgency and desire in final third of the pitch...
  23. Prediction... Elliot Tav Saylor Colo Ferg Bigi Tiote Oba Amal Xisco Vuckic
  24. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19697949 Ashley ready to pounce on JJB apparently...
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