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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Alternatively you could look at it as we’ve only lost twice against them in the last 6 at St James' Park, and all bar one of them was in the Ashley era where our record was atrocious against everyone.
  2. How very dare you, he would’ve been a model if hadn’t been a footballer apparently (Nearly fell off my chair listening to that particular interview ?)
  3. Just as well no players wear them any more then isn’t it ?
  4. I’d rather they stay down there, given our prospective trajectories as clubs, it’s always going to be the case that the jeopardy is totally one way. They’re going to be the plucky underdog and effectively have nothing to lose
  5. With the exception of Man City, they don’t though. The teams spending loads have a much higher revenue than us, because they haven’t had 14 years of an owner only being interested in having Sports Direct signs plastered everywhere. We will get there in terms of commercial revenue, but it will take time and require an element of sustained "success" on the football side.
  6. I swear to god I’d never tire of punching Neville in the face when he fails to hide his bias, when commentating on games like this. Tried to stir up needle with every comment
  7. Chuffed to bits for the lasses, but there's no way it should’ve taken this takeover for this kind of progress to happen. Growing up there was just as many football daft lasses, some of whom I know had to go and play for them down the road, despite them being Black and White daft.
  8. how could you forget Facundo Ferreyra and Seydou Doumbia?
  9. And yet both him and Wijnaldum faced off in a Champions League final not too long afterwards. What we would give for such ‘mediocrity' eh?
  10. Planning on having a significant stay there too if you ask me, has he got a track record of promotion?
  11. Can remember travelling down to watch us Vs Spurs during that era (Was in the RAF up at Lossiemouth at the time), we won 3-1 if I remember rightly, but I can remember walking away really concerned. He was giving both our fullbacks grief for passing to feet, instead of going long all match too. Utter fraud of a manager
  12. That’s great if you have a defensively solid team, Leeds have been porous since they've returned to the PL. they don’t have the players to play Fat Sham hoofball. Bamford is going to be as effective as a hold up forward as Owen was for us
  13. Surely they still have to try and win games in their position ??‍♂️ they are right in the clagg, draws are potentially not going to be enough
  14. Man City made hard work of it yesterday like, LiVARpool still can’t defend for toffee either. Shame Mitro isn’t back in tbh
  15. Too much of an injury risk with that flat skinny neck
  16. Just laughed out loud several times watching this, the wife gave me some serious side eye on the couch ???
  17. Wonder how all the nervous bedwetters are feeling now ?
  18. it’s an affliction I suffer from, apparently it suggests Irish or Scandinavian heritage
  19. both of those games were away from home, it’s a different feat to successfully do that at St James' like. I would say Spurs aren't the mentally toughest team in the league either
  20. I think people are going to have to learn to think differently about the youngsters we pick up in the next few years. There’s a strong possibility that some of them will never kick a ball in a black and white shirt, especially if we do build a multi-club model. What is just as likely to happen with people like Kuol is that he'll be coached and developed and sold on for a decent profit. It’s one of the things the club is going to have to get better at to deal with ffp.
  21. Another really good Olusoga documentary specifically on this topic https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b063db18
  22. Pretty much my feelings towards their YouTube output too tbh. The main host is basically a pretentious hipster who I suspect doesn’t actually like football, apart from in an ironic sense. He’s basically wound up in football journalism, to be a knob due to the music press which previously would have employed that kind of twonk, has died a death.
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