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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. I'm pretty sure Livramento can play either side though, so could be a really solid upgrade on Manquillo. Sadly, there is no guarantee that Krafth will make a full recovery either
  2. Seen this twat linked with West Ham in the last day or so, seems so much more likely if you ask me
  3. Been hearing rumours about Gerrard being strongly linked with the Leeds job. I really hope not for the sake of my best ex-RAF mates sanity. Surely they’ve suffered enough post Bielsa?
  4. Surely they’re still in danger of breaching the three year limit on losses too
  5. The scumbag has apparently got prior form for attacking security outside a hotel housing asylum seekers too. Hope he gets a really friendly cell mate that leaves him with a ricker like a sinkhole
  6. Was going to suggest the same to be honest, the videos this lad has produced since the takeover has gone through have been tremendous
  7. We are going to have to evolve our game plan away from solely focusing on a high press. Particularly against teams who will rock up at St James' in a rigid low block next season. So accommodating a player like a Maddison etc, to unlock this is going to be pivotal to us continuing to improve. Just think about the majority of this years draws being turned to wins. Essentially that’s what needs to happen for us to get closer to the top 2
  8. I don’t see that as a negative myself, every squad needs someone like that. Thinking back, I personally think selling both Stevie Watson and Aaron Hughes who were both capable of doing a job in multiple positions, ultimately made our squad at the time weaker as a result.
  9. Didn’t realise we played there in the league
  10. Well that’s us undefeated in London all season, which some wierdo's seemed to be all excited about
  11. Absolutely chuffed to bits for the lad and it’s all completely deserved too ?
  12. Did I misremember the game against Brighton, or did we not see Miggy continually absolutely rinse Estupiñán? You know the player that many pundits had as the best left back in the league this season. I can’t be the only one who thinks there may be plenty of players in our squad who are still yet to hit their ceilings, with more confidence, fitness and quality coaching; seeing them continue to hit levels we didn’t think they were capable of. I personally think Miggy, Longstaff and both Joe's all fall into that category.
  13. I mean he frustrated the hell out of me with his backing off, but it could be argued Danny Simpson wasn’t totally awful
  14. I swear to god the officials have been shit tonight like, bought everything from Leicester tonight like
  15. Seems like a training session of attack vs defence
  16. "If he'd followed through it’d have been a red" yeah well if my aunty had bollocks she'd be my uncle, ffs Andy Hinhcliffe is a cretin
  17. No I think that comes down to UEFA coefficient rating and given our recent lack of European involvement we’ll be in pot 4
  18. Wonder how they'll feel about retrospective bans, when the truth about their special inhalers eventually gets brought into the cold light of day?
  19. Well yeah, it was UEFA's concession to the breakaway clubs.
  20. It’s like Brighton have decided to go back to being the snide Hughton Championship team tonight like
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