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Revolution Number 9

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Everything posted by Revolution Number 9

  1. Why ? Think it was something to do with what our fans were singing. Had a look on red and white kop and they were foaming, the usual 'hope Ashley stays and they fall down the leagues and die forever etc'.
  2. On the plus side though, the Liverpool fans are proper pissed off with us.
  3. Yet Ryder will no doubt have one hell of a defence for him on Monday. Hope he falls out the window, the fat detestable c***. Which floor, Ronnie? How many is there? The top one. Not very dangerous if you live in a bungalow.
  4. Stormed off like a 5 year old child hopefully. Knocking everyones juice over. Then later blaming the loss on a lack of juice, caused by Hatem Ben Arfa.
  5. Not going to get my hopes up, mind.
  6. I'm sure the signing of Jack Colback on a free would help pacify fans. This part concerns me more - cloggers ahoy.
  7. Did this ad appear in the comments for everyone else?
  8. We haven't got the budget to cover the Nigerian space programme - something no one in the west has ever said before. The money left over from the poster campaign should cover it
  9. We need an Obi-Wan style Baba flashback, voiced by Morgan Freeman. Possibly his interlude about the Nigerian space program. We'll have to make up context but so fuck.
  10. Ha, they've literally just edited that. It said US-based when I clicked the link about 4-5 minutes ago.
  11. Such a thought-provoking argument.
  12. Grasping at straws now tbh And I don't even think a 3-point deduction would send them down at this rate, this was basically a throwaway game for them and they got 3 points.
  13. He's off to start his career in politics.
  14. Why should he quit though? Because he's shit and he's a cunt
  15. Imagine that, Hatem popping up in the away with the end holding his banner Dressed up in jungle camo with a beret on
  16. Now what will he say in the post-match interview? Hope he proper goes off on one about the fans to keep the venom going.
  17. As if these cunts decided to take apart the top half of the fucking table after looking like relegation certainties How fucking shit is that.
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