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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Never mind the formation, I'm trying to work out what to wear to avoid freezing to death down St James tonight
  2. That first quote from Pardew Dave has quoted isn't that bad. On another day we might've won that game but the second one is mind boggling really, christ You do wonder when he comes out and says things like that
  3. Crows Nest, Rosie's, Cumberland Arms, Hotspur, 3 Bulls......any of those should be decent
  4. Krul Simpson Williamson Colo Santon Anita Tiote Jonas Marveaux Cisse Ba
  5. Derek Llambias always has been and always will be a two faced shit bag who knows nothing about football. An ex fucking casino owner manager/owner, fuck off
  6. Need to start well and the crowd needs to stay patient. I understand making your feelings known at the end of a match but the way some fans carry on at matches is ridiculous, constant negativity and berating of players. Don't need that carry on in situations like this.
  7. Ticket bought, sitting in Gallowgate. Uncomfortable viewing and frozen cold no doubt!
  8. He used to be a much more tidy player and kept things simple.
  9. Ofcourse but it's a two way thing. When a team is confident that's almost a formality but when a team is in a rut like we are at the moment it serves no purpose moaning and griping from the stands. The team needs 100% support from the stands during the match and that goes especially for players like Williamson who while being utterly dire is completely shot of confidence but our only option for monday with Perch suspended. The crowd needs to be patient on monday but sure if they turn in a dire performance and get turned over let it be known "after" the whistle.
  10. Feel like I should go to this even though it's on tv. Team needs some good support at the moment, the moaners and groaners will only add to the current problem. Could be a seriously uncomfortably watching between fingers freezing cold experience though
  11. I really like the way Martinez conducts himself too
  12. I'm with you 100% in the way they could get us playing, both very good managers but like you say it's just not going to happen is it. Plus they'd look at our current transfer strategy and say no thanks.
  13. Ok so apart from naming someone you think might come in and do a job, do you have any faith in Ashley appointing someone decent??? Secondly despite his recent errors don't you think that a great proportion of the reason we're in this situation can be attributed to a tight fisted chairman who won't recruit players. Pardew deserves criticism but everyone knew we needed strenthening in the summer and everyone has known for a while that the likes of Simpson, Williamson and others simply aren't up to the job. I'd like to see what some of the names people are throwing about on here could do with this current squad and basically zero transfer policy. People need to look at the bigger picture ffs
  14. Ridiculous thread at the end of the day. Knee-jerk nonsense and totally unrealistic given Ashley wouldn't give any new manager money to spend anyway thereby limiting who he'd physically be able to bring in or who'd want to come.
  15. Well on the transfer front we just don't know what happened in the summer. It seemed pretty clear to me given the interviews that Pardew did such as the phone in up that he/they (Carr et al) had identified key targets such as Douglas and Debuchy. Given Ashley's trend in refusing to spend a penny recently you'd have to lay the blame at his feet and his lapdog Llambias. Pardew has his faults re the team and they way they play but I'd say he has barely any say on who comes in or goes out.
  16. He opted not to bring any new faces in in January when we were last relegated. That undoubtedly contributed to our downfall that season. Relegation although still highly unlikely simply isn't an option because of the mega premier league money world deal coming in............you'd like to think this will force his hand. I mean finishing higher up the table warrants decent prize money as it is, say 6-8m if we finished up in the top 8 compared to where we are now? Throw in just how much money each club gets with this new deal in the summer and surely parting with say 10-15m in January is peanuts compared to what is at stake?
  17. Well said Mick. The way some people carry on on here its almost like they're desperate to see him fail
  18. Spot on above, SIGN SOME PLAYERS YOU CUNT
  19. He's a championship player, always as always will be but thats all we've got until Jan (christ) if indeed the board are even thinking of signing anyone It's ridiculous the hatred of the guy though, well said above
  20. I think given the injuries and lack of confidence that wasn't a terrible performance. Not quite sure why Marveaux wasn't out there? It's going to be a fucking long time with Williamson at the back though christ........ The complete ineptitude of the board showing through here. Atleast they battled a bit ffs
  21. Tough to take that, work rate has been much better and been much better shape. Sadly the glaring weaknesses of the team shining through
  22. Alright not much creativity but work rate and closing down far far better
  23. Players simply HAVE to be signed given the latest injury set backs just to keep us affloat. Will they be signed, will they fuck
  24. Krul Simpson Williamson Colo Santon Anita Tiote Jonas Marveaux Ba Sammy Something like that, sorry it's the best I could come up with. I just don't see the point in playing Cisse, he's nowhere at the moment. Marveaux has a little bit of quality and Sammy seems to be our only other option really? Ahead of Obershite I'd say. Nailed on defeat, christ they'll be smelling blood for this one like a hyena sniffs out a wounded infant gazelle on the serengeti,
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