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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Tight hamstring, might be ok for West Ham apparently
  2. We all know his limitations but the way some people go on about him on here is ridiculous imo
  3. Stupid thing to do which contributed to full on pressure/madness towards the end.
  4. I'd rather we just have a proper go even if we end up losing. It's the limp performances at Anfield which are so tedious
  5. I'm expecting the customary 3-0 loss so anything else is a bonus. I might go that extra mile and go to the Lonsdale locally where I don't think I've ever seen us win :lol:
  6. Defo get Saylor in. The article in the chronicle today with headline from Williamson "I'm relishing Suarez encounter" or something along those lines is asking for a raping :lol:
  7. We're a much steadier ship than Liverpool at the moment and in many aspects a better club moving forward and Ba seems to have an affinity towards us. You just always worry that if they offered him a massive salary increase he'll be off.
  8. Just go into this fixture almost apathetically expecting defeat which is pretty tragic but given the results there over the years hardly surprising. Someone wrote earlier about them atleast having a go even if we do lose. We just always put in such limp performances its embarrassing.
  9. I'd go with Sammy as part of a front 3 for this one. He has good pace, can finish ok and he looks like he's beefed up a little bit and he gives you something different. Definitely ahead of Obertan. Krul Simpson Saylor Colo Santo Perch Cabaye Jonas HBA Cisse Sammy
  10. The problem with Shola is he's much better coming off the bench for 25--30 mins. The other problem is be puts in a few good shows in that role and then starts and regresses to how we often know him 433 with Cisse central for me
  11. ExiledGeordie


    O'neill is an impact manager, nothing more. He always has that massive surge in performances when he takes over a team but he's got an awful record in the transfer market and he can never sustain that initial lift. Noel Gallagher was on talksport the other night and said "did you see Adam Johnson in the NE derby, that's why City sold him, does nothing when it matters"
  12. Ofcourse this has nothing to do with the fact he sent two of their players off and they lost the game? lol #sourgrapes
  13. It's one thing for a player to become a more complete footballer but if they start trying too many things to the detriment of his game then thats a worry. I remember Tiote just mopping up in front of the back four and playing simple passes to start attacks. I think he just needs to go back to basics a bit. It's also been a bit stop and start with niggles so I don't think he's been bang on pace at times which has probably contributed to miss timed tackles and bookings.
  14. He still struggles a bit at centre half and we know his limitations there but as a holding player he seems to excel. Reads the game well and puts in blinding well timed tackles. Has good pace too
  15. It was a stupid wreckless challenge in the context of the derby and red was the only card that the ref was going to show. Should never have given him the chance with a challenge like that. The bloody whistle had gone already anyway and we were in total control.
  16. They'll come out of the blocks hard and no doubt try and unsettle us and turn it into a war. They'll get frustrated and increasingly nervous the longer the game goes on for them without goals and football wise we have the players to win it. Both teams have been poor though so it's nigh on impossible to predict really.
  17. Shola is far more effective coming on with 20-30 mins to go. Plus as someone has mentioned they'll know we've always got our trump card to pull in case of emergency. 4-3-3 please, we looked our most dangerous last season playing like this and in this game we'll need the extra man in midfield.
  18. What does he think he is, Director of football or something, fucking hell. He's such a smarmy little owl headed cock
  19. Llambias is coming out with some right shite in his latest interview ffs. "We don't want to de-stabilize the team with new signings" Yeah alright Dekka, because you're a football expert and reckon Perc/Williamson are perfectly up to the job when (as expected) our first two players become injured. More cust cutting waffle
  20. Evra and Vidic were written off by most Man U fans during their first season and look what happened there. Give the lad a chance to settle into the premier league ffs
  21. Total gulf in class as Dave has said. Couldn't believe we sat back and watched them play in those first 20 mins, like rabbits in headlights even if Man U did start extremely well. When we lose key players we fill those positions with average players and it shows. They might be good pros but they're not good enough. I like what Pardew's doing here but I don't buy much of his spin on the depth of the squad at all. It's small and it's seriously weak in parts and it showed today. We really haven't turned up so far this season have we, some players look half the players of last season.
  22. Difficult task for Fergie, but he's quick, scraps like a terrier and has a hell of a cross on him from the left so nice one I say. Jonas will cover him anyway
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