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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. No point in risking our best players? You having a laugh. Neither Ba and Mav are match fit. Putting them up against opponents that are 100% fit will not do them any good. In fact, it will probably increase the probability of injury. It's much better to use them in the second half when Ferdinand is getting tired. Then they'll be more effective, eg Ba against Fulham.
  2. Stop being so fucking negative! Shola and Best are more than good enough to finish QPR off! No point in risking our best players against inferior opponents. You got to have more faith in the team, and the manager
  3. Would've liked to have thought we could cancel his contract anyway for the amount of unprofessional conduct the dickweed has taken part in. If he's sentenced I think the club could legally terminate his contract. Get rid and sign Sammydinhio for 5,5 years.
  4. He is probably getting a raise. But he'll not be our first choice rb for long. Taylor has managed better so far, on LEFT back.
  5. Problem is that shit players demand to be paid handsomely. Simpson is not hard to replace. He's not capable of hitting a semi-difficult pass, his technique is mediocre at best, and he hoofs the ball if he's under the slightest of pressure. Why pay too much if you know it's possible to buy a younger player with the same skills who will settle for less salary and probably has a potential to become a better player than Simpson. If the latter is not capable of understanding he -like Shola and Loven - will be a squad player in the future and that his salary must reflect that, he must be sold. Ask yourself what you would have done in an identical position. You don't want to pay good money for a shit product, it's as simple as that.
  6. QRP made the same mistake as we did..Purchasing old and heavily paid players. Barton's greed will hit him in the face. I think we'll win quite comfortably.
  7. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Missed pre-season matches, and been fasting during the opening games of the season, still he's better than most DM in the league He's been alright, but the point I was making is that he barely gets a mention these days on here and he totally changed the team when he arrived last season. If he can hit that level again and Cabaye continues to find his feet: oh mercy. Jeah, our midfield could be fantastic this season
  8. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Missed pre-season matches, and been fasting during the opening games of the season, still he's better than most DM in the league
  9. Resale value Seriously though,I he see him as a vice captain. He got the an aggressiveness, desire and a creativity we've lacked at CM. A bit improvement in his language skills and he's just the man for the job. He'll be the best and sexiest vice captain in the league What do you think?
  10. Good point. But it also comes down to Liverpool being able to use him correctly. In the LFC match against Valrenga, he was almost invisible the whole match, but the few times Downing was able to run down to the line and hit a cross from the area around the corner flag, Carroll became dangerous immediately. In fact, he scored one goal, and had another glorious chance which he should have converted. He was shit the rest of the game, but nobody would have noticed if he had bagged two goals and LFC had won. LFC had exactly the same predicament when they bought Morientes. He was fantastic in Monaco because he was at that time served by two of the best wing men in Europe. But as I predicted, he became a dud in LFC since they had no wide play at all. He did almost not receive crossers inside the box. And the same goes for Carroll too. Carroll will only be a success if Downing stops drifitng inside, and LFC purchase Downing type of player to use on the right.
  11. I'm a Norwegian, so I don't have the same feelings for a local lad like you do. Carroll could be great, but only if he's put together with a set of players that use his strong sides. But the moves Tiote and Colo pull off sometimes are just pure fucking class. Imo, HBA and Tiote have the potential to play at the highest level. You know that if they're sold it will take many seasons before we'll see similar players in black and white. We'll have plenty of Carroll's (in case of ability), but it's not sure that he'll be local and developed within the club, which is what makes him special for you.
  12. That depends on how you calculate the expenses. If we include agent fees, salaries during the contract period and sign on fees, we've used all the money. And a very, very important factor is that we used some of those money to tie down Tiote for 6,5 years. You're not under any illusions why that was done, surely? Only so we can extract the maximum fee when we sell him in 6 months. Yeah, protecting your investment is probably the right word for it. But all other clubs would have done exatly the same. If he's sold, we'll get a solid sum for him though. But it will be a devastating blow. Tiote,HBA or Colo in a ManU/Liverpool jersey is THE worst scenario for me. The sales of Carroll and Enrique don't even come close.
  13. That depends on how you calculate the expenses. If we include agent fees, salaries during the contract period and sign on fees, we've used all the money. And a very, very important factor is that we used some of those money to tie down Tiote for 6,5 years. You're so emotionally tied to Carroll that you have difficulties to see what we've bought/secured for the future with the money we sold him for: *Tiote *Cabaye *Ba *Maveraux In sum, those players are of course much better than Carroll. And we have REPLACED Carroll if we're talking about getting in a similar player (Ba), but if you're yearning for a marquee signing, we have not succeeded. Personally, I think it's important to consider many aspects: I don't want us to use too much, he must be fast and have a good engine, and he must fit into the squad.
  14. So you'd rather not believe him (direct quotes are available to be found) over a regime proven in court to deliberately mislead and lie to the fans and it's management? Sup Mike I think the truth lies somewhere between. Obviously the offer was too good to refuse. But I also think Carroll was tempted by the huge salary bump offered. And this desire to increase his wealth, was probably strengthened by the fucking agent with his own agenda (greed). If Carroll had some sensible advisors who told him that he was at a point in his career where he needed stability and a lot of playing time and that he already earned good money, the whole saga may have ended differently. But we'll never know, each personed involved will probably have a tendancy to tell the story from his point view. So what comes out, will always be biased.
  15. That's true, but it's a tough call. Without the sale of Carroll it's not sure that we could have afforded Cabaye, Maveraux or BA. In reality we got three potentially very good players for the price of one potentially very good player. Besides, we need a different kind of attacker than Carroll:fast, poacher and who's capable of beating the offside trap. Like Lovenkrands?
  16. Rainforest : Regarding the first point, that is pure speculation of course..But we never know..People should be aware the huge sign on fees and agent fees involved. Regardig the second point: The whole point of football is to put assemble players that fit together. Players that on paper look great can be shit if they're used on the same team, because they're almost identical in their style of play (eg Gerrard and Lampard on the national team). Ba and Carroll like to participate in the build up play, they're not the kind of players that beat the offside trap. An effective attack (if 4-4-2 is used) is based on two players with OPPOSITE movements. One runs towards the ball while the other runs in space. That stretches the defense. Carroll is not this type of player. So you're right, we need a Loven v10.
  17. That's true, but it's a tough call. Without the sale of Carroll it's not sure that we could have afforded Cabaye, Maveraux or BA. In reality we got three potentially very good players for the price of one potentially very good player. Besides, we need a different kind of attacker than Carroll:fast, poacher and who's capable of beating the offside trap.
  18. This aimed at me? He's fucking shite, pure and simple. The problem is of course LFC's wide play.. They do have Downing, but lack same creativity on the right side. Carroll would fit perfectly into ManU's style of play. They have plenty of players who're capable of delivering the crossers that Carroll needs. I'd like him to come back, but not unless he fixes hit attitude.
  19. So if LFC offered us Carroll for around £10 mill, you would say no?
  20. Well the lesson isn't specific to the last day of the transfer window. My point was that the example of Carroll wouldn't encourage Ashley or anyone else to pay over the odds or pay what is now being called 'a premium', for a player you've targeted. Unfortunately the valuation of players we set in almost every case is stubbornly/optimistically low in the first place. So it's not the case of paying a premium. The reason Carroll was eventually overvalued at £35 mill was because we the selling club supposedly didn't want to sell and Liverpool kept coming back. In all the deals we were interested in the clubs were willing to sell and had set a price but we wouldn't meet their comparatively fair valuation. Not 100% correct. In two of the cases (Erdnic and Gameiro) and we did meet their evaluation. But the players didn't want to leave France, or preferred Spain. And I read that we were close to agreeing a deal for Maiga, but Souhoux refused to sell because they didn't find a replacement. Maybe they hit the same difficulties as us..?
  21. http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/nechronical/nov2010/5/3/chris-hughton-416908894.jpg Not with us, but still a handsome mofo!
  22. What's really makes him valuable is that he's never injured...If he had been as injury plagued as Arteta I would have been against a renewal of his existing terms. But Colo plays every week, he is the glue that keeps the defense together..I actually had no problems with us selling Barton and Enrique, but I would be fucking livid if I see Colo in a LFC shirt..He's the classiest defender in the league, and got the greatest hair, period!
  23. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    If I should point at one weakness in our defence it's Colo, Tayls and Simpson's ability to pick their man on crossers that come from open play. Both their chances were a result of such situations On Krul's second save, no stopper was even close to Murphy.. Tiote stood where Colo should have been, and Taylor was way out of position too. If I remember correctly, Colo was around the box line..
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