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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. Hmmm.. he joined 'my favorite team in Norway. Came as a surprise really. But he's brought in as no. 2. Our first keeper is very solid. 2nd choice in the national team. But as already mentioned. The Norwegian League suck. Danish much better. In other words Soderberg has a lot of work to do....
  2. probably not but a conviction would definitely Yeah, he must be convicted, of course..Too bad he's decided to waste his talent. With his upbringing this result is probably not a surprise.
  3. So do you think this charge gives nufc legal grounds to terminate his contract?
  4. Punk77

    Ryan Taylor

    Thank you! And unlike Simpson, Raylor is actually capable of passing the ball.
  5. Punk77

    Ryan Taylor

    Simpson is shit! Unable to hit one single semidifficult pass today, and he hoofed the ball each time he was under pressure. And besides, Jonas and Raylor had to manage Bale and Walker, who both are capable of running down the line. Modric on the other hand drifted inside to take care of thams build up play. That made Simposn's job much easier. Hard to slaughter Ralyor for the 2nd goal. Both he and Colo were tricked when Ade by accident didn't take the ball. An exceptional finish from Defoe, first and foremost. Put Simpson on the left against Bale and Walker, and you'll see him perform much worse than what Ralor managed today.
  6. Given never did that..He helps the defense tremendously by collecting such balls..
  7. Exactly. And that's why Carroll is shit..He needs crossers, preferably from the area around the corner flag. Those are easier to handle.
  8. Thought he's been better than Woodgate for a while now. Woodgate was brilliant, but the way people talk about him it's as if he's completely faultless. Sorry like, but until Colo came along Woodgate was the best CB we'd had in the Premier League IMO. The talk was justified. He was, without doubt the best we'd had. But I still think people, especially on here, are guilty of bigging him up just a little too much. Maybe. But what was special with Woody was his age, only 23 years old and already one of the best stoppers in the league. What a career this man could have had if it wasn't for all those injuries. If I should point at one or two weaknesses in Colo's play it's his capabilities in the air, and his marking in the box. He sometimes forgets his man. That's where Woody surpassed him
  9. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Oh no, your post must be stupid, because I agree
  10. Yep, we're trend setters, you and me I guess most of the fourm members would agree that you [Punk77] are a trend setter in talking stupid things. Behave, brat!
  11. Yep, we're trend setters, you and me
  12. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    From all the clips I've seen, he has a tendency to dribble too much. He dribbles two players without any effort, but when he goes for the third and the fourth, he runs into trouble. If he learn when to pass and when to dribble (like SAF taught C. Ronaldo) he'll be a world class player. I'm sure of it Yes, that's exactly one of his weakness. But i'm pretty confident because before his injury, he tended to correct it in order to make his game more fluid. Wrong, that's his ONLY weakness
  13. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    From all the clips I've seen, he has a tendency to dribble too much. He dribbles two players without any effort, but when he goes for the third and the fourth, he runs into trouble. If he learn when to pass and when to dribble (like SAF taught C. Ronaldo) he'll be a world class player. I'm sure of it
  14. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's a reason why HBA is referred to as a prodigy, and why NUFC now is experiencing a certain influx of French supporters. HBA's maximum level is extremely high. Rooney is a direct player, who btw also benefits hugely from ManU's direct style. But imo HBA has a magical touch that very few have. Have you ever seen Rooney breeze past 3 and 4 players like HBA did against Everton? He did that against a team who are notorious for their capability of stopping the best and creative players, eg how they stopped Bale (always have two players on him, leading him inside, forcing him to to pass/shoot with his weaker foot) and Arsenal (by applying high pressure). That didn't seem to bother HBA at all, and it was his first PL-game. Should say something about his potential.
  15. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'll disagree again, whilst Rooney can dribble, when he does, it is usually based on strength, power and a bit of pace and sometimes trickery. Can't remember the last time Rooney dribbled with some fancy skill that had me awed the way Nani did yesterday or the way HBA did against Everton, beating players with fancy footwork and body feints. Exactly.
  16. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    In many aspects, he already is better than Rooney Better left foot and better dribbler, that's where it ends. To different kind of players, so it's not easy to compare them. But if we focus on potential, that's a different case. HBA is a huge talent., maybe even bigger than C.Ronaldo. If you eg. see the video of C. Ronaldo against Santon, you can see that he doesn't look at Santon when dribbling. That's why you could see Ronaldo perform numerous of ineffective dribbles without passing his man. He doesn't to a great extent adjust his movements according to his opponent. HBA on the other hand (like Zidane, Messi and Maradona) always looks at his opponent simultaneously when dribbling. So if HBA sees that he's going to the left, he increases the speed, and goes to the right. That's why he's capable of passing three four players with minimal energy. Imo, C. Ronaldo had a bundle of talent, but it was SAF who took him to the next level. SAF taught him when to dribble and when to pass. In the first seasons in PL, Ronaldo tended to get stuck, but SAF's "pass and move" philosophy corrected that. In other words: if HBA at an earlier stage had access to the same competence, like Ronaldo, he could already been a world class player. I may be completely wrong of course, but this strange man love that I'm now experiencing is making me a tad subjective
  17. Punk77

    St James' Park

    Thing is though Dave, whilst i agree with you about how it looks, were in a better position now then we have been for a good few years and TBF he could paint the seats red and white and there is fuck all we could do about it. Between him and FS in todays economy im with MA all day long.
  18. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Neeh, I heard he didn't use paintballs. He spat on them
  19. Punk77

    Leon Best

    Ironic. His best game of the season, and he didn't score. Fantastic today. Good movements and his touch is getting better for each game.
  20. Taylor was the direct cause of Blackburn scoring, we were moving forwards as a team and all of a sudden Taylor played the ball backwards and straight to a Blackburn player. 3 more touches and the ball was being picked out of our net. I agree that Raylor made a school boy error. But still, the marking Simpson performed on two occasions, will more often than not result in a goal. That could not be said about Raylor's mistake .As I said, Blackburn had still a lot of work to do when they snapped the ball.
  21. You can't disregard the pass from Taylor which ended up with the ball in our net then have a go at Simpson for two things which didn't end up as goals against. The back pass was stupid, but still there was a lot of work to do for Blackburn. So Raylor INDIRECTLY caused a goal. But Simpson's marking was shit. Olsson had two great chances because of him, and if he succeeded, Simpson would have been the direct cause.
  22. Horrendous marking on two occasions. Could easily have cost us a goal. If you disregard Raylor's poor back pass, he managed better. Had two crucial interceptions. And his passing is considerably better than Simpson.
  23. Blackburn packed the midfield today, so he didn't receive much room. And also I think Pards wanted to attack Blacburn's weakest point, left back. So we channeled much of the play on that say. Did get more involved as the game went on, since Blackburn had to switch formation. We've struggled the last seasons when up against Blackburn, because they're physically strong, and their defensive formation. . Now we have the creativity and pace necessary to take them out. Hopefully we'll play better against similar teams like Fulham, Wolves and Bolton.
  24. Seriously, somebody with paint shop skills should merge Tiote's head into this picture, and change the writing accordingly. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/70/Terminator1984movieposter.jpg/220px-Terminator1984movieposter.jpg He was immense today. Back to his best. Won every duel. Hit with almost every pass, and now he's even getting creative. One of the best, if not the best DM in the league
  25. You don't think Cabaye, Marveaux and Ben Arfa can cross a ball? Or Adam, Downing, Enrique, Henderson, Johnson or Gerrard. There's plenty of crossing quality there. From one analysis I've seen, one of Liverpool's main problem is the lack of support from CM. Henderson and Downing are both left to themselves in creating chances for Suarez and Carroll, while Lucas and Adam sit deep. Second, Downing is often used on the right side. Consequently he tends to drift inside, instead of running down the touchline to deliver the crossers Carroll needs. Third, Adam is a class act when it comes to hitting the long passes, and set pieces, but he's not the kind of player who's capable of supplying Carroll with crossers from OPEN play. In sum, what LFC really lacks is a bit more movement in central midfield, and a Kenny who understand that Downing needs to play on the left with Enrique who must support him so he's able to hit the crossers from dangerous areas. Also they need a cultivated RM. Luckily Kenny is too stupid to understand this.
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