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Everything posted by Smal

  1. Aye, they've got a socialist government now, so it'll certainly mean less money for footballers.
  2. Can't wait until Ben Arfa's back. We have far too much shit out wide when he's not playing.
  3. Smal

    U23s & Academy

    Anyone know how tall he is, btw? Wiki says 5ft 10, but he looked taller than that to me.
  4. It's going to be when he does actually retire. We'll go the whole Summer without buying a replacement striker and Pardew will beg him to come out of retirement in the following September.
  5. What was Yanga-Mbiwa's release clause in his new contract again? €12m was it?
  6. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    Apparently after their game at the weekend he ridiculed a reporter for suggesting it?
  7. They fucking do, man. It's written right there in that table.
  8. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    Think we could do worse than Sinclair like. He's not great, but it's the sort of position we need some more ability in. If we sign someone there then we can allow someone to go on loan.
  9. I doubt it was a coincidence they signed Kagawa this season when Park left.
  10. Apparently he also said that if anyone does it again they will get a 14 match ban. They should all do it anyway. When they get banned more uproar will be caused which should hopefully at least contribute to the end of Blatter.
  11. Carver probably read NO and told Pardew Tioté's been shit.
  12. Smal

    Dan Gosling

    Didn't even realise he was injured, thought he'd just vanished
  13. Anita and Krul are part of the English speakers, who are seemingly neutral in this ongoing civil war
  14. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    I don't like Malaga very much, so I don't mind anyone fucking them over like.
  15. I'd have concerns over throwing Cabaye straight back in from the start. Especially if we can play Marveaux in the middle.
  16. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    Should probably stay in Spain for a while longer though.
  17. Aye, absolutely nailed on to score a hat-trick.
  18. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    Magic does not exist.
  19. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    Lee Dixon's just implied on ITV that Pardew's picked a weakened team so he could use it as an excuse. Probably not all that far from the truth.
  20. Chelsea badges made out of gold, like?
  21. Yep. Stupid that he played today instead of Ferguson (or even Dummet) considering the team that we put out had very little chance of getting a result. Not only is he knackered, but if he's also low on confidence today certainly won't have helped.
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