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Everything posted by Smal

  1. His decision making on the ball has a long, long way to go. If he can improve that then he'll be a very good player indeed.
  2. Smal

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Nice to see Llambias taking the moral highground btw . Actually managed to make Ferguson look like a proper mong.
  3. That's a good point. Isn't Silva more effective on the right though? When he can cut in? We've got HBA for that. I'm a Marveaux fan, but there's also the issue that David Silva is a much better player than Sylvain.
  4. I don't really think Marveaux is cut out to be a wide player in this league and he'll be loads more effective in the middle. I'd rather leave one of the five out per game for rotational purposes and freshness.
  5. Is there anyone in the league better than Mata? I'm struggling
  6. Probably doesn't tire because he doesn't work very hard
  7. Smal

    Papiss Cissé

    Ba was so poor today and the QPR game that Pardew should be putting Cissé central next game regardless.
  8. I thought he was really good first half, even going forward he was much better. Second half he was unbelievably shit.
  9. For once I don't mind whatsoever that we've lost. It's been good to be involved in a match which wasn't completely drab and predictable.
  10. All we need to do second half is counter as fast as we can. Keep our shape well when defending and make sure we push out of defence as quickly as possible when we do counter. We will get knackered in the last 10 minutes though, we just need to hope Man U are still shit then.
  11. Man Utd fans right up there with Chelsea fans as the worst support ever like. They're such spoilt brats.
  12. The hell was Ba doing there, man? Hold it up and lay it on for someone else. So selfish
  13. He could've just said nothing, like. That would've been far better.
  14. A surprisingly large percentage of people
  15. He's been offside even more than Cissé this season
  16. Did you watch the game at the weekend? yeah and I know he was completely missing. He's still obviously got loads of ability though.
  17. Busquets Awesome that the Guardian have recognised him as one of the best players in the world.
  18. Granero + cash would be good. May not have been brilliant for them but he's definitely a good player who I'm sure we could get a lot more out of.
  19. This is essentially the same thing that happened around this time last season with HBA isn't it?
  20. Such a sore loser Disclaimer: I know they drew.
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