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Everything posted by Smal

  1. What the fuck wee club indeed
  2. Yes. I'm counting on Debuchy being the best full back ever.
  3. Can't Remy play down the middle as well? He is a striker, so you'd think so.
  4. You'd really hope we've got a replacement ready to come in as soon as he goes.
  5. Even if we could get £1m-2m for him this month?
  6. Pretty sure Simpson himself thinks the opposite, like.
  7. As I said earlier in the thread, the completion rate was still about 90%. Unfortunately the 10% tend to be in the worst possible areas of the field. Anyway, his distribution certainly wasn't his biggest problem today. He just didn't look arsed.
  8. 2 completely different players. completely? I don't think so... They have similar attributes, although one obviously takes a lot more risks than the other.
  9. I would like to see HBA play there at some point. Marveaux's shown it's plausible for that sort of player to play there in this league.
  10. Attempted 99 passes (think he had 90% completion) tonight. Wonder when the last time was we had someone get 100 or over in a single game?
  11. If we swap this guy + cash for Remy I might die.
  12. 5 yellows this season for diving
  13. Struggling to think of a better keeper in the league. All aboard the hype train.
  14. Very poor defender. I'm not even convinced he's good going forward.
  15. Tracking full backs etc. becomes more complicated if you have them swapping positions all the time (because, inevitably, you end up with two of your forward three on the same side at some point), so I can't see Pardew going for it much.
  16. Well obviously he's a better option for the left hand side than Jonás, but I'd rather we just bought a new player in to play on the left side. If you look at our starting XI, Jonás in the weak point and he plays on the left more often than not.
  17. HBA isn't very good on the left. It takes away most of his key assets.
  18. Smal

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