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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. I'd have put money on it being Spurs.
  2. Pewwer is just too much for me to handle.
  3. Is it becoming a bit that they have to be as dour as possible?
  4. Is this how CFC fans feel watching Salah and KDB? I don't like it.
  5. Pixelphish

    Harvey Barnes

    Im so jealous. I might hate him tbh.
  6. Big season for this lad. Stand on me.
  7. Pixelphish

    Harvey Barnes

    God we had it good back then.
  8. Pixelphish

    Harvey Barnes

    Quite excited about this tbh. Think it will work well.
  9. Pixelphish

    Harvey Barnes

    Great signing. Yes pretty one dimensional but we're not in a position to be turning down opportunities like this. Thrilled tbh.
  10. I take back what I said earlier. Chiesa is happening. I deserve this.
  11. I'm on the boat that we dont know who we're signing until its a few days from 'completion'. For that reason, im out.
  12. I'd be happier being ignorant knowing women that attractive didn't exist tbh.
  13. Must've got an extension.
  14. At least we didn't have a 200+ page thread this time.
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