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Everything posted by M1tche

  1. No-one was going to be a real standout yesterday. 3 loses on the bounce, nervy feeling around the place, it was a just win the game type of scenario. We did that, it was a hard watch but will do wonders for the next few games.
  2. For me the order is 1.CB (the drop off from Schar and Botman is huge) 2.DM (All top sides over here have a proper one, would also allow us to play 4-2-3-1) 3. Creative attacker - 10/RW 4. Whatever Howe wants (as long as its not another full back)
  3. Sharpness on the ball was understandably off, about 70 mins in I was hoping Tonali would come on, just so we could get control of the game on the ball. That said, his forward movement, energy and breaking up of play was what we have been missing the last few games.
  4. I'd love Paqueta here still, but I think a CB and a proper DM are more pressing if money is tight. When Willock is fit we have at least 5 very good CMs
  5. M1tche

    Anthony Gordon

    I have no idea how anyone is suggesting it anything other than a pen, saying he bought it or its "clever" suggest its borderline. For me it's as stonewall as it gets.
  6. M1tche

    Anthony Gordon

    I've had a few of them over the years, something you just feel like you're getting nothing, and just want to kick someone because of it. Pure frustration.
  7. Starting to get fed up with how pointless Burn is when attacking.
  8. Loving that pretty much everyone has the same thought on the group. Had a few work mates trying to wind me up about it, but i absolutely love it!! We've waited a stupidly long time for this and it would have felt like an anti climax to not have truly big clubs rocking up at St James' for the group stage, those nights are going to be electric. Already know I wont get a ticker, but ill definitely be heading up to be in the city for at least 2 of those. Bring! It! ON!!
  9. I hope today prompted us to look for someone who is a proper DM, the amount of times we got caught out by no-one naturally covering that area was annoying.
  10. I thought the lack of replay for the Akanji on Schar tackle was a bit odf as well. Although Schar also made nothing of it.
  11. Incredilbe debut, 2 things that stood out to me massively. 1 was the clip over the back line, it didnt end up coming to anything, but I used to love that pass, sometime with even looking, you get ot just over the FB or between the CB and FB, knowing a winger or striker will be close to getting on the end of it. The other was the left footed cross field pass to Gordon, absolutely glorious and ridiculous in equal measure on his weaker foot.
  12. I know, I know. I have knack of saying 1 thing and then being proved very wrong lol
  13. That's a lovely goal, perfect from Isak and 1 trick Miggy finishing well
  14. Isak hasn't looked at it at all pre season from what I've seen. Hopefully it's from training before games, rather than from not being sharp yet.
  15. Loving the crowd noise only on this. We don't look great so far, especially in transition after losing the ball
  16. judging by that, it should be todays front 3, tomorrow middle 3 and a mix of the 2 games for back 5 next week. Unless something mental happens
  17. M1tche

    Anthony Gordon

    Im liking the look of this short spell through the middle this half
  18. M1tche

    Lewis Miley

    Im fully sold on this lad now, looks so comfortable on the ball and does that old trick of short, short, short and then a lovely longer pass
  19. That line up has made me more excited for the game, get to see a big chunk of Miley and Tonali
  20. So much of the content has me smiling to myself like an idiot, having this feeling towards the club again is brilliant. I never stopped supporting, but for a long time there was no realy excitement behind that support, now im sat up waiting for team news for a pre season friendly that will finish about 2 hours before I have to get up for work. Ill hold Howe, his team and this set of players in very high reguard for bringing all of that back.
  21. I know its a friendly against a National League side, bu Miley looks a very good player based on that little showing. He just seems in control at all times, and brings things to his speed.
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