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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Wish Perez celebrated even harder. The mongs still going to games and boo someone that left this shit club to actually try to win things.
  2. Is fat one burger away from heart attack Brewies stupid luck finally running out so people can see how fucking shit he actually is and he was just being super lucky
  3. Gotta contain that 4-1 loss! Chuck on a RB fast!
  4. System BREWCIE doing wonders again - imagine paying to watch a squad of bottlers in a terrible system
  5. I dont understand keeping Dummet instead of pushing Willems down to LB.... Clueless.
  6. worthy


    Then you are quite clearly a fucking idiot. Please elaborate - What makes his shite preformances any good? He is playing a role he clearly cant play. He has won 5 duels in 12 games, averages a whooping 1.5 shots per game. I mean if thats what you value 40 million at. I would say that you sir might "quite clearly be a fucking idiot"
  7. worthy


    I would rather have Xisco, Kuqi, Ameobi, Chopra and the list could probably go on. This guy is so bad I cant imagine anything else than a weird deal ala Nacho with this guy.
  8. Wonder how the training sessions are. "Alright lads, uh.. just run around and pop the ball around. Who knows where I might play you!"
  9. Bahahah the 0£ signing Pukki vs 40£ non preformer.
  10. This Pukki must have been a 80 mill striker. Bet the fat fuck wish he could compete with the mights of Norwich in the transfermarket And now Jonnyboy cant take it anymore and throwing in the towel.
  11. worthy


    I mean he was bought as the replacement, and is played the same way Rondon was played. So the natural thing is comparing him to Rondon I feel like.
  12. Would be funny to see him "protect the 1-0 loss, so we can have a chance with better GD"
  13. The reason I prefer it, is because it seems like the only other alternative for the fat fuck to get out of the club. every time he has tried to sell it, it seems like moves goalposts and then it just falls through. This is not the club I fell in love with, this is but a shell of what it was. And giving him more money to support his shit behavior is out of the question, the less money he can get the better. We are stuck with him until he doesnt feel its economic enough for him to keep the club or he dies. So the worse we do, the less we will be worth, the less money the fat fuck will get. Rafa was the last thing that gave me hope. Now we have a clueless cunt that is stuck with dinosaur football tactics and doesnt even know where his players can play.
  14. hahahah - this is what you get when you fucking get a shite manager. well fucking deserved.
  15. Mega point deduction and huge fines - everything to make the fat fuck bleed
  16. I would rather hire someone with years of football manager experience rather than Steve wotsdis Bruce
  17. I, like many others really hope they keep the red numbers and stripes on the back. The mockup looks nice.
  18. you can take a pleb out of sunderland, but you cant take the sunderland out of a pleb. Had to laugh at pickford there, celebrating like he won the CL.
  19. As a Norwegian with total bias against danes. I am sceptical.
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