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Everything posted by GideonShandy

  1. In case any one wants to watch this absolute shitshow (not available on NUFC TV, strangely)
  2. Lewis Hall sabotaging the whole scheme, unfortunately. And then if Southampton send Fraser back, it's totally ruined.
  3. Should work on getting taller during the off-season.
  4. Alongside Schar.
  5. Us being at 150/1 is a pleasant change from the Ashley years.
  6. Before getting injured in the Man U game on December 2, Pope played 13 Premier League games from which we took 23 points with a +17 goal difference. Average 1.77 points per game. After the Man U game, Dubravka has played in 23 PL games, from which we took 31 points with +3 goal difference. Average 1.35 points per game. There have obviously been other relevant variables, such as other players' injuries, and I'm not big on scapegoating, but it does seem like quite a drop-off.
  7. "Fewming" and anything else with "ew" where it doesn't belong.
  8. Should pull their socks up, roll up their sleeves and get back to basics, as a well-known Man U legend likes to say. To be brutally honest. Well, y'know . . .
  9. Emery looking less ghoulish than usual today. Might have forgotten to pack his hair products.
  10. In-House Media thread
  11. Agree. Like Fay Wray or Jack Black. But not Sean Bean.
  12. Yes. Edward Steed.
  13. https://www.fourfourtwo.com/features/longest-bans-in-english-football-history-suspensions
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