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Everything posted by Heake

  1. I dearly hope this isn't a blackader dream thing where the kids come into the kitchen with a horses head and that Please be real
  2. It's like wining a game by more than one goal this. I actually thought he was here forever
  3. Surely it's compo paid to palace? FFS!??
  4. If there is any legs in this, how thick must the palace gaffer be? It'll be like paying good money for aids
  5. Quite a few might look at Pardew and think" fucking hell, just imagine what I could do with that squad?"
  6. The return of De-Jong, Aarons, Santon & Raylor will be like having new signings & will assure us of more Premier gravy next year. There will be no need for anymore displays of Decadence from big Mike. (Other than on DDay when Sissoko & / or Tiote / Perez is sold)
  7. We`ll get a flukey draw with big performances from Sissoko, Perez & Cisse Pardue will be king again & we will all be ungrateful winging bastards for ever doubting him.
  8. They had about 5 clear-cut opportunities, didn't they? This is why I've now given up on the club. It's absolutely pointless. As we all said before the match, he won't be under any pressure if we lose this. Our support is far too f***ing stupid to realise anything. 'Onwards and upwards'? f*** off you pathetic c***, have a bit of ambition or standards in your life you shot c***. I hope all of them have an absolutely s*** Christmas like. f*** this club man. It's an absolute joke. No one will object to this because apparently we played well. This is the sort of club and fans we're dealing with now. An then you look at the East Stand and see that unbearable Sports Direct crap plastered on it and you realise, there is no point. That is why this club exists and quite frankly, I don't want to be a part of it anymore. Calm down mate[emoji41]
  9. We had a couple like. Theirs were more glaring though. They should have been 2 up at half time at least 1 Our chances were half & usually down to Perez brilliance. When will people realise that Pardue delivers this as a norm, punctuated by the odd amazing result. Not the other way around
  10. Truth is they missed about four massive chances, we had none. A draw would have flattered us against a shit team. Thanks for that Alan
  11. Heake

    Rolando Aarons

    Limbering up for the January window no doubt
  12. Ive always thought it better to laugh at them rather than scrap them anyway. That said I think its perfectly normal to hate any opposition fans on match day without the need to get micey.
  13. Don't think Blob is the worst. We have had Hooper, Karelse and an aging Tommy the barman. Definitely porkiest though. http://www.sporting-heroes.net/content/thumbnails/00174/17337-zoom.jpg
  14. Audley Harrison is financially sound
  15. He is the Frank Drebin of the managerial world, Only more clueless . He even fucking looks like him! ...Only Frank Drebin actually got results (& he got to smash Priscilla Presley)
  16. I have now emancipated myself from this Footballing self-flagellation & consider myself now immune from the blows the king has been reigning down on me over this past year. As a consequence, I will view this impending capitulation within the context it deserves & will refuse to have my weekend ruined by this windbag of a charlatan. As far as I am concerned - The King is dead. So take your fat mate & your s*** football & shove it up your f***ing Gary you lying narcissistic old t***. (Even though it looks like we've got months, if not years of this left to come)
  17. Defeat means nothing to the King anymore. He is the Captain Scarlett of the managerial world. An indestructible one man juggernaut, impervious to the most horrific form this club has witnessed in recent times, taking us full speed towards Footballing oblivion. & were all in for the ride! 4-0
  18. Did the crowd start turning on him before the goal or are the match going "majority" still loyal to the king?
  19. How for the love of God has it got to the point where my "worst case scenario" involves us taking a comfortable home victory via a mixture of stout, well organised defending & free flowing attacking football? I mean seriously, how the fuck?
  20. Another problem with this kind of disregard some pundits & arslickers have for the glaringly obvious failings of the King & his subjects is that, there must, by the law of averages, come a time when we`ll get a win & that will be seen as a vindication of Ashleys "patience strategy" of which most on here know for what it is. I have a feeling that this will be the win he's craved & as such, he will have bought enough time to put us out of reach by New year. A predict a fortuitous one goal win & the consequential "foot to the floor"-with no brakes-on the highway to Championship city & beyond
  21. There's only one stat that matters to me at the moment: We`re into mid October & we still haven't won 3 points yet. Taking last season (this calendar year) into account & anyone who is capable of thinking logically can see we`ve got massive problems
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